The communities around the country are trouble and freaking out of “Coronavirus”. However, there exist few wise souls that dismiss this most horrific of a pandemic as little more than a hoax and misinformation created by media and Democrats to create confusion.
We are being led by a callous idiot with the follower who is selfish, ignorant, and seem to care more about their guns than they do about the pandemic running through your community. You don’t need guns to shoot your way through Coronavirus.
It is hard to know the spread and how serious the threat of Corona Virus. In times like this history should be our guide, The Bubonic Plague (Black Death), wreaked havoc across the globe, taking victims regardless of age, gender, health, or financial status. It terrorized cities, towns, and villages. We know looking back in history three things happened: disinformation, scapegoating and mass quarantines.
The Coronavirus like Bubonic plaque also originated in China during the 14th century and subsequently spread across the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe, wiping out over 50 million people. The global population, that currently stands somewhere around 7 billion, was hardly one billion inhabitants at the time. There were also no vaccines available for human use at that time.
Is it the next Black Plague? No, it is not.
Should we be worried? Yes, and exercise extra caution. CDC and WHO now have a greater understanding of the disease and preventative medicine than we have ever had before. CDC has systems in place to combat global pandemics, and thorough research can develop a vaccine in a short period.
According to the U.S. government’s center for Disease Control (CDC), typical symptoms of this disease are cough, high fever, and breathing difficulties. The fact remains however that other than following principles of basic hygiene such as washing hands frequently, avoiding touching suspicious surfaces potentially containing virus germ residue, abstaining from shaking hands, wearing face masks and avoiding large crowds, there is not a heck of a whole lot else that Public Health pundits can do in terms of singing their respective gospels or supplications.
The sad reality is that most religious communities, whether comprised of Churches, Mosques, Synagogues or temples, appear to be caught somewhere between God and the government. Nearly all of the Islamic Centers in Lehigh Valley have been completely closed or partially. Daily congregation and Friday prayer have been postponed.
The situation will continue to get worse according to the opinion from Public Health experts. However, not many in White house or at Fox News are willing to give an inch and concede the error of their thinking/approach towards this very serious and rapidly evolving situation.
We can only hope and pray that common sense and sound wisdom will prevail. Assuming this course-correction occurs in a timely fashion, I have no doubt that Almighty God’s supreme creations known as human beings (Ashraf-ul- Makhlukhat) will rise victorious over this latest nemesis as well.
It is a shame that this country does not enough capacity to produce test kits, but this Administration is bent hell on cutting the budget for the Center for Disease Control.
The severity of Coronavirus pandemic is not known due to lack of testing, however so far Stock Market has plunged, people are not flying or vacationing and large gathering are banned in some States while doctors recommend gatherings of no more than ten. Large companies, Malls, stores, airlines, hotels, and restaurants are mandating employees to work from home or taking the extra precautions of sanitization and housekeeping. Everybody is hurting and will be affected financially. It is the same low earning group that will be affected severely as rent, utilities and mortgages have to be paid. Is there a safety net for these people who live by pay to paycheck?
In Europe, people are getting welfare payments to help them survive. Republicans would call this Socialism – free money being given to the lazy people. In Italy, mortgage and loan payments have been suspended but here, we would see this as interference in Free Enterprise. So, what does our idiot Commander-in-Chief do? He proposes that all payroll taxes be canceled for this year. This helps the only employer and has no impact on people’s wages who may have been laid off or, be forced to work reduced hours.
Sadly, we condemn “Socialism” and “Communism” for times when the people are in need, but we have no hesitation in throwing trillions of dollars at corporations (bailout) and unnecessary wars of destroying Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan.
Occasionally, we get prospective leaders who actually do care more for the people than for corporate enrichment like Bernie Sanders. Bernie gets an attack of being socialist.