Media Monitors Network (MMN) is NOT just ‘another’ news web-site or magazine but a non-profit, non-bias and non-political platform which mainly helps to prevail the whole truth and generally facilitate answers to any disputed, controversial topic being broadcast, webcast, published, distributed or telecast in the world media. MMN is seeking the truth in most critical “hot topics” which can often be twisted by the world media.
MMN was established in California, USA, in October 2000 and is destined to become a major platform for serious media contributors and observers from around the globe.
MMN is not sponsored by anyone influential and does this intentionally so that we will not be ‘forced’ into one opinion or another.
Journalists, editors, writers, photographers, human rights activists, webmasters, poets, columnists, reporters, researchers, analysts, observers, columnists, content providers, media contributors, observers, social scientists and other professionals from around the globe are invited to join Media Monitors Network (MMN) to counter information warfare and fabricated propaganda in the world media and to promote the whole truth, fairness and accuracy in news reporting.
MMN is honored to be supported voluntarily by media contributors such as yourself and has received contributions and/or permissions from many reputable websites, editors, newspapers, webmasters to publish their hard-earned and quality content on MMN web-site.
Media Monitors Network is destined to become a voluntary movement that will use all channels of communication and all other sources to pursue its mission.
Media Monitors Network would like to expose the truth about black sheeps, propagandists, or crooks disguised as ‘journalists’ in the noble profession of journalism, who are paid or backed by intelligence agencies, political parties, politicians, bureaucrats, the Official Mafia, or the Disinformation Mafia.
Media Monitors Network would like to set the record straight on important issues that have received slanted press coverage. It will encourage the Press to report the news fairly, accurately and objectively without resorting to bias or partisanship.
Media Monitors Network says accountability of the Press is necessary to reduce corruption, fraud and disinformation in many news media organizations. Many journalists and writers don’t always get their stories right and many of them don’t even seem to care. By advising them of their responsibility to the public, whom they claim to serve, Media Monitors Network will help to hold those members of the news media accountable for their misdeeds who write and publish unfair, biased, inaccurate, or cooked up news reports to serve their masters and their political, religious, business, or personal interests.
The power of the Press has inspired an arrogance which leads many in the news media to believe they should be insulated from criticism. Media Monitors Network believes that the public has the right to read, watch and hear the facts, and that journalists, writers, editors and news broadcasters should be exposed when they do not adhere to their professed ethical standards, when they cover the truth with falsehood, or when they present fiction as facts to misinform and misguide readers, listeners and viewers.
Media Monitors Network also believes that independent, aggressive, critical and free Press is essential to an informed democracy. Media Monitors Network fully supports freedom of the Press and strongly encourages independent and investigative journalism, which should never be compromised. Media Monitors Network advocates that structural reforms are needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, eliminate the monopoly of exploitative media barons, establish independent public TV programs and public radio shows, and promote strong, non-profit/non-commercial alternative sources of news, information and ideas.
MMN is committed to maximum exposure to help to prevail the whole truth.
Media Monitors Network invites journalists, writers, media critics, media contributors of all kinds and other professionals to join the Media Monitors Network as its directors, editors, or members.
Looking forward to welcoming you to MMN……
M Ali Khan (Chief Editor & Founder MMN)