Arab-Israel relations: Can India be the fulcrum?

"For over 40 years, India literally pandered to the Arabs and thus hesitated to respond to the hand of friendship proffered by Israel."

Colombia – From Invincibility To Panic

"Colombia is one of the few countries that preserved its democracy during the decades of dictatorship in Latin America, and it is famous for its jurists. The authoritarian elements that are starting to show in this war (including a failed attempt to redraw the Constitution and pave the way for the President’s reelection) have scared ordinary Colombians, as resolute as they are in fighting terrorists. And they have now spoken in defense of their civil liberties."

The Indo-Israel military relationship and its impact on the Arab world

"Tracing the roots of Indo-Israel military relations, one notes that they began decades ago as invisible cooperation in the fields of security and defense. In the sixties, these relations reached the point of several reciprocal secret visits and mutual military aid during their respective armed conflicts."

The Fear Americans NEED is Fear of U.S. Government Totalitarianism

"...terrorism at its basic root is a struggle for world resources between the world-wide multinational corporate elite and those who are harmed by the concentration of wealth and power by the corporate elite."

Linking the Occupation of Iraq With the "War on Terrorism"

"...if "terrorism" is going to be used as an umbrella term so large that it covers attacks on military troops occupying a country, then the word becomes nothing more than an instrument of propaganda."

The month of Ramadan and The Qur’an

"Muslims tend to believe that Qur'anic guidance is for them only, but this is a misguided view because the Qur'an itself says: "Wherewith Allah guides all who seek His Good pleasure to ways of peace and safety and leads them out of darkness." (5:16) At another place it says that it is a guidance and instruction for those who are conscious of Allah (3:138). Thus the message of Allah is universal and infinite."

The fine line between public relations and propaganda

"The mechanism is very simple, particularly when the media does not question official stories, especially those coming from the military."

US soldiers desecrate the Holy Qur’an in Iraq

"Amal Karim informed soldiers that her bag contained a copy of the Holy Qu’ran. Despite her pleas, a soldier grabbed her bag and hurled her Qu’ran to the ground."

The tactics of the Israel lobby in the West

"Not everyone in the Jewish community, here or in Israel, supports a policy of expanding settlements on Arab land, targeted assassinations that usually result in horrific "collateral damage", and building massive walls/fences to keep populations apart."

The Jerusalem Declaration

"We are not bystanders; our children's futures are on the line. We beg the world to intervene and impose a just solution today, for our sake and for theirs."

Bush’s Steel Tariffs Not the First Instance of Hypocrisy on Free...

"Eager to blame someone else for the slowdown in negotiations, U.S. trade representatives have pointed their fingers at the less fortunate countries of the South, such as Brazil and Argentina. The plain fact is, however, the United States is currently as much a stumbling block as any of the less developed and protectionist countries in South America."

India’s Duplicity in the Middle East

"India’s abysmal record on the persistence of caste-based and inter-religious discrimination and violence, with the lower castes and the minority religions (like Islam) facing the brunt of the oppression, over half-a-century after independence from British colonial rule, must resonate with Israel’s similar record of oppression of the Palestinians."

Who lost Iraq?

"We are not in the business of benefiting foreigners. We are in the business of implementing American foreign policies and putting our national interests first."

Al-Quds Day: A time to remember martyrs

"The achievements of the Palestinians in the fourth year of the intifada is remarkable. Making Israel a battleground has instilled such fear that almost a million Israelis have fled to the USA, demolishing the myth that Israel is a safe haven for Jews."

It’s the policy, stupid

"The truth is that you can hire all the spin doctors in the world, but when you raze three seven-story apartment buildings to the ground in Gaza in response to an attack on soldiers at Netzarim, or when wild settlers are allowed to cut down 200 and more Palestinian olive trees with impunity, with no attempt being made to find the perpetrators, you will not get the media to tolerate you, let alone love you."

Democracy in Iraq and Peace in the Middle-East

"The best way for the propagation of democracy in Iraq and the Middle-East is the creation of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. All the Arab States have accepted it. Palestinians have practiced democracy even without a state in the most difficult circumstances for years."

After 56 years of freedom for "the Northern Areas"

"Pakistan and its lobbyists find themselves in quite an awkward position when Indian and other international media persons raise the question that why Islamabad is so desperate to get right of self-determination for the Kashmiris living under Indian control but is least bothered to grant basic rights to the people of NA."

A cruel game with rigged rules

"This wall/fence/barrier is a continuation of what the Israel Committee Against Home Demolition terms "strengthening the matrix of control".

"Turning Point" in the War in Iraq: But Which Way Is...

"The situation in Iraq is so bad that one U.S. government official was quoted in the press as saying, “The trend lines are in the wrong direction. I haven’t seen anything in any of the intelligence reports that offers a hard and fast recipe for how to turn things around.”"

To Reason the Unreason: Which Way the Arab Leaders?

"All Arab leaders are silent on American-Zionist collaborative political encroachment in the Middle East, not that they do not know how to speak, but they are a sold product to the Western masters to abstain from political activism."