What is the Religion of America ?

"If I look at the American leadership , they all appear to be from some tribe of man-eaters. Show Mr. Bush some barrels of oil and he may destroy the whole country for them."

Look! The UN-Muppet Has Spoken

"Many around the world including the 1.2 Billion Muslims will be asking why Mr Annan did not state this clearly before the conflict! Why did he not help to mobilise other nations of the UN in order to defend Iraq, therefore, prevent the violation of the UN charter? Does the UN have any form of accountability to the 1.2 Billion Muslims, which it is supposed to be representing through the member states, or does the UN respond only to the Power-Point presentations given by Colin Powell, which subsequently proved to be another lie in a catalogue of lies?"

Bush vs. Not-Bush

"Democrats put a tight lid on demonstrations, and reduced the convention crowd to a programmed TV audience, but the Republican production topped that. Not only was their house a vast sea of blissful studio patrons, but the outside was kept cosmetically clean by a massive police action."

Core of the conflict

"Israeli violations of humanitarian law concerning people under occupation go beyond the day-to-day harassments and collective punishments of Palestinians and the brutal Israeli measures including the killings, the confiscation of land, the destruction of infrastructure and the restriction of movement."

Interview with John Dugard

:: An interview with John Dugard, UN Special Rapportuer for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, by Victor Kattan, a correspondent for Arab Media Watch and member of its advisory committee. ::


The real issue is settlers and Jerusalem

"Israel claims to be applying the convention de facto but not de jure. It claims to be upholding the humanitarian provisions of the convention, and probably is doing so no better and no worse than most occupiers--the problem, after all, is the political occupation and not the military occupation; if that were the whole story, the convention would not be an issue."

So Far, You Can Fool Most of the People Most of...

"On November 2, whether voting for Bush or his opponent, voters should focus on the president’s actual record of undermining U.S. security rather than his duplicitous and sunshiny rhetoric."

A Health Care Election

"People need to learn how to re-educate the taste buds so that they do not crave high fat and high sugary foods. Companies should be given incentives to educate their employees and for every successful fitter employee, lower health premiums should apply...For those who ignore the information, they will pay higher premiums."

Afghanistan, Where the Line between UN and US Has Become Blurry

"As the United Nations’ General Assembly is opening in New York, one important question needs to be asked: Is the United Nations’ direct cooperation with US forces in Afghanistan in accordance with the letter and the spirit of its own Charter?"

Letter from Osama Bin Laden to the President

"The Sharon’s boys at the Pentagon thought that 9/11 fit nicely into their boss political agenda as well as yours. Actually, it was the other way around. It fit into my agenda. Nevertheless, you went along with their advice and blamed me and Saddam Hussein for the 9/11 action. I never thought I would be so lucky. I declared myself guilty."

Searching for Indispensable Leader :: Satire ::

"All applications and supporting documents, including military service records, must be in by late October. Shredders will be provided to make corrections to your file. If you have shiny medals or stamp collections from countries you can’t pronounce, please bring them with you to the initial interview."

Dry University and College Campus Please!

"Alcoholic beverages are widely misused on campuses, and in many cases taxpayer money and student activity fees continue to be used to fatten the pockets of beer company executives."

9/11: A Double-Edged Tragedy for American-Muslims

"We also have to worry about the continued hijacking of our faith by some Muslims whose atrocious acts can have no possible justification. Minority as they may be, we have to gear up for an ideological battle against them since their aggressive ways are attracting more attention than our peaceful ways."

"If You Harbor Terrorists, You Are a Terrorist"

"Three years ago, after 9/11, President Bush appeared to draw the same line in the sand. Addressing members of the 101st Airborne Division, he declared, “If you harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist.” Today, Americans should ask whether those tough words were only rhetoric, quickly forgotten when political convenience dictates."

The Temple Mount Bombers

"...when the Zionist community in Palestine established a state, something happened to Judaism there. The connection with the territory, the soil, changed the face of the religion, as it did to all other parts of national life. It is no exaggeration to claim that the Jewish religion in Israel underwent a mutation, which has become more and more extreme in recent years."

Indonesian general acquitted of Tanjung Priok massacre

"Although justified, the outrage in western government circles over the East Timor acquittals is just another example of the West's double standards. None of the massacres perpetrated against tens of thousands of Muslims during the Suharto era (which were far worse in range and scale) generated any outrage."

Punishing the Democratic Party Leadership by Voting for Bush

"Perhaps Democrats and Progressives should punish the Democratic Leadership for proposing Bush Light by voting for Bush himself. Perhaps the leadership needs to be taught a lesson."

Empire America and Bush’s ‘New Deal’

"The Bush Administration, the Defense Department hawks and the elite corps of supporters behind the New America Project and their conservative vision of America have successfully left the substantial thumbprint of American hegemony on the rest of the world in their wake. America will be dealing with it for decades to come."

Tucci, Catholic U., Abortion & the Bishops

"Catholic University of America (CUA), located in Washington, DC, has barred actor Stanley Tucci from appearing on campus for a seminar, set for Oct. 15th, which is devoted to contemporary Italian cinema. The CUA gave as its reasons Tucci’s public persona as a pro choice advocate on abortion. The school said it didn’t want to give Tucci “a platform.” The National Conference of U.S. Bishops runs the CUA. Some of those same clerics stand accused of condoning the priest pedophile scandal and also the evil of warmongering."

Worth Repeating: Remembering the killing fields of Sabra and Shatila

"There were no fiery speeches about democracy, freedom and liberty by an American head of state, no high-profile condemnations of the evil committed by the Israeli army and the Lebanese Christian Phalangist militias. All America did during those bloody months of July and August 1982 was to plead with its client state Israel to show "restraint."