Part One
There are more than forty million African Americans, more than forty million Hispanics, sixteen million East Asians and four million South Asians in the United States. If glued together, they are one hundred million. They are more than one-third of the entire U.S. population. It is about two hundred eighty two million today. If the system is fair, what should be the representation of the people of color in the Senate and in the House? In the Senate of one hundred senators, there should be at least thirty-three senators representing the Americans of Colors. In other words, every third senator should be of Color. World should not be surprised to know that there is not a single African American Senator to represent forty million African Americans. World should not be surprised to know that there is not a single Hispanic senator to represent the forty million Hispanics. These are the two largest communities of color in the United States.
House of Representatives house four hundred and thirty five representatives. There should be at least one hundred ten Colored representatives. But this is not the case. They are almost fifty percent less than their numerical strength.
One important explanation. Why there is some representation of African American and Hispanic in the House of Representatives and there is almost zero in the Senate? The reason is obvious. Senate elections are contested on state level. White Democrats, including the White Jews, do not vote for the communities of color candidates. They opt for their White candidates. On the contrary, House elections are not contested on state level. There are contested on district level. In most of the districts which elect Hispanic and African Americans are heavily populated by the Hispanic and Africans. To win an election, Hispanic and African Americans do not need the votes of the White Democrats. This is the reason that these two communities have some representation in the House. Even this less than fair representation is not acceptable to the white ruling elite –” Republicans and Democrats. To contain the representation of the communities of color, recently attempts are made to destroy these African American and Hispanic districts by ‘redistricting.’
Now step into the wonderland. Close your eyes and then open it. If you are in the Senate, you will find every 9th White Jewish senator sitting there. There were 11 senators at the beginning of the present Congress, which is called 108th Congress. Jewish senators are here state by state. 1. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif). 2. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif). 3. Norm Coleman (R.Minn). 4. Russel Feingold (D.Wisc). 5. Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.) 6. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J). 7. Carl Levin (D-Mich). 8. Joseph Lieberman (D-Con.) 9. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) 10. Alsen Spector (R-Pa) 11. Ron Wyden (D-Ore).
What is the total population of the Jews in the United States? Twenty percent? No. Fifteen percent? No. Ten percent? No. Five percent? No. Three percent? No. Estimated Jewish percent of total population is 2.2 percent according to the Jewish sources. Depending on these sources, the Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 6,155,000 in the United States. With full confidence slash half of these numbers. They might be about 3 million in the entire state. Jewish leadership always pretends to be what it is not. It creates an aura of magnanimity, which the Jewish leadership uses to fool and harass the friends and foes.
Muslim leadership should conduct a study of its own about the total Jewish population. Because they are the main victim of Jewish leadership monopoly on the political system. The study should be done, borough-by-borough, city-by-city and town-by-town. And the numbers collected by this study should be compared to the published numbers of the Jewish leadership. At least Americans should know that how many Jews are really in the U.S. and what should be their fair share of representation. And if the Jewish leadership argues that their over-representation is the blessing of an ‘open democracy,’ case should be made that why this blessing fails to bless forty million African Americans and forty million Asian Americans.
Now compare the percentage of the Jewish population from where these Jewish senators prop up. In California, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 2.9 percent. California is the largest state with a population of 34,000,000. In Minnesota, they are 0.9 percent –” only 42,000. Total population of the state is 4, 931,000. In Wisconsin, Jews are 0.5 percent –” only 28,000. Total population of the state is 5,372,000. In New Jersey, the Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 5.7 percent. Total population of the state is 8,429,000. In Michigan, Jews are 1.1 percent. Total population of the state is 9,952,000. In Connecticut, remember Joseph Lieberman State, Jews are 3.2 percent. Total population of the state is 3,410,000. In New York, remember Charles Schumer State, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 8.7 percent. Total population of the state is 18,999.000. In Pennsylvania, Jews are 2.3 percent of the population. Total population of the state is 12,283,000. In Oregon, Jews are 0.9 percent –” only 32,000. Total population of the state is 3,429,000.
What these numbers demonstrate? First, the Jews have a total monopoly in two states. They are California and Wisconsin. In both states, only Jews are representing the entire state. 34,000,000 Californians could not find a single Californians than the Jews to represent the entire state. No White, no Hispanic, no African American and no East Asian were more capable are equally capable than the Jews to represent the state. Only Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein are fit to represent the largest state in the Union. In Wisconsin, again the Jewish leadership is in complete control of the political system. Both senators are Jewish. No White, no Hispanic, no African American and no East Asian were more capable or equally capable than the Jews to represent the state. Only Russell Feingold and Herb Kohl are fit to represent. Third, Jews cannot win a single seat in the Senate on the strength of their own population in any U.S. states. This is again emphasized that the Jews cannot win a single seat in the Senate on the strength of their own population in the 9 states, which are now represented by them. Fourth, out of these 11 Jewish senators, 9 are ‘Democrats.’ Only two Jewish senators are ‘Republicans.’ Jews and Republicans? Do not be surprised; this is a recent acrobat by the Jewish leadership. With the rise of the “Christian Right,” Jewish leadership has started flirting with the Republicans –” a favorite party of the “Christian Right.” In American political system, it is very easy to find out which state is Republican or Democrats. An opportunist can join a state according to the political orientation of the state.
Who vote and why for the Jewish senators in the statewide senate elections? White Republicans definitely does not vote for them. Ninety five percent members of the Republicans are White. Their votes go for Republicans in a contest between Democrats and Republicans. There are rare exceptions. If White Republicans do not vote for the Jewish democrats then who vote for the Jewish senators? Americans of Color –” African Americans, Hispanic, East Asians and South Asian (excluding Bharti Hindu) vote for Jews overwhelmingly. Without their support a single Jewish senators cannot win a seat in the Senate. If the Americans of Color are kingmaker, why they themselves do not become kings themselves. The answer is very simple. The Democratic political machine is exclusively white. It can stomach White Jewish senators but not senators of Color.
Part Two
If every 9th senator in the Senate of 108th Congress was Jewish in January 2003, there were twenty-six Jewish Congressmen in the House of Representatives. Jewish Congressmen are here state be state. 1. Gary Akerman (D- N.Y.) 2. Eliot Engle (D- N.Y.) 3. Steve Israel (D- N.Y.) 4. Nita Lowey (D- N.Y.) 5. Jerry Nadler (D- N.Y.) 6. Anthony Weiner (D- N.Y.) 7. Shelley Berkley (D- Nev.) 8. Howard Berman (D- Calif.) 9. Susan Davis (D- Calif.) 10. Bob Filner (D- Calif.) 11. Jane Harman (D- Calif.) 12. Tomas Lantos (D-Calif.) 13. Adam Schiff (D- Calif.) 14. Brad Sherman (D- Calif.) 15. Howard Waxman (D- Calif.) 16. Eric Cantor (R- Va.) 17. Ben Cardin (D- Md.) 18. Peter Deutsch (D- Fla.) 19. Robert Wexler (D- Fla.) 20. Rahm Emanuel (D- Ill.) 21. Jan Schakowsky (D- Ill.) 22. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) 23. Martin Frost (D-Texas) 24. Sander Levin (D- Mich.) 25. Steve Rothman (D- N.J.) 26. Steve Sanders (Ind- Vt.)
Now compare the percentage of the Jewish population where from these Jewish members of the House prop up. In California, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 8.7 percent. Total population of the state is 18,990,000. In Nevada, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 3.8 percent. Total population of the state is 2,019,000. In California, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 2.9 percent. Total population of the state is 34,000,000. In Virginia, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 0.9 percent. Total population of the state is 7,104,000. In Maryland, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 0.4 percent. Total population of the state is 5,311,000. In Florida, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 3.9 percent. Total population of the state is 16,054,000. In Illinois, Jewish leadership claims that they are 2.2 percent. Total population of the state is 12,436,000. In Massachusetts, Jewish leadership claims that they are 4.3 percent. Total population of the state is 6,357,000. In Texas, Jewish leadership claims that Jewish population is 0.6 percent. Total population of the state is 20,947,000. In Michigan, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 1.1 percent. Total population of the state is 9,952,000. In New Jersey, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 5.7 percent. Total population of the state is 8,429,000. In Vermont, Jewish leadership claims that Jews are 0.9 percent. Total population of the state is 610,000.
What these numbers demonstrate? First, that the Jews are over represented in the House as they are over represented in the Senate. Evaluate state by state how much they are over represented. New York State is entitled to elect 29 members. There are 6 Jews who are representing the state. It means that every 5th Congressman from the New York State is Jewish. Jewish share should be 8.7 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Nevada is entitled to elect 2 members. There is one Jew who is representing the state out of two members. It means that the Jews have 50 percent of the seats. Jewish share should be 3.8 percent and not 50 percent according to the Jewish own sources. California is entitled to elect 53 members. There are 8 Jews who are representing the state. It means that every 7th Congressman from California is Jewish. Jewish share should be only 2.9 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Virginia is entitled to elect 11 members. There is one Jew who is representing the state. Jewish share should be 0.9 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Maryland is entitled to elect 7 members. There is one Jew who is representing the state. Jewish share should be 4 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Florida is entitled to elect 25 members. There are 2 Jews who are representing the state. Jewish share should be 3.9 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Illinois is entitled to elect 19 members. There are 2 Jews who are representing the state. Jewish share should be 2.2 percent. Massachusetts is entitled to elect 10 members. There is one Jew who is representing this state. His name is Frank, Barney. He is the only member in the House who is openly homosexual and he is proud of his homosexuality and not ashamed of. In one of the heated debate in the House of Representative, he challenged another fellow Congressman by asking him that how his sexual relations with another man hurt that Congressman. He is the defender of homosexuality and homosexuals in the Congress. Homosexuality is an abominable sin in all three religions –”Judaism, Christianity and in Islam. Jewish share should be 4.3 percent in Massachusetts according to the Jewish own sources. Texas is entitled to elect 32 members. There is one Jew who is representing the state. Jewish share should be 0.6 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Michigan is entitled to elect 14 members. There is one Jew who is representing the state. Jewish share should be 1.1 percent according to the Jewish own sources. New Jersey is entitled to elect 13 members. One Jew is representing the state. Jewish share should be 5.7 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Vermont is entitled to elect one member. The only member who is representing the entire state is Jewish. Jewish share should be 0.9 percent according to the Jewish own sources. Vermont is the smallest state in the Union. 610,000 citizen of Vermont could not find a single Catholic or Protestant to represent them. No White, no Hispanic, no African American and no East Asian was more capable are equally capable than the Jewish member to represent the state.
Second fact, which the Jewish representation in the House proves, is that they represent only 12 states. It means that they are very vulnerable. Any demographic change or ideological shift in these states can end the Jewish representation in the House. The same situation exists in the Senate. The Jewish senators like the Jewish congressmen come only from 9 states. So they are also very vulnerable. Third, Jewish representation in the House proves that the Jewish leadership runs the entire political show in America. No other religious or ethnic minority has the manipulative power to grab so many seats in the House of Representatives or in the Senate when their percentage of population is less than one percent. Fourth, not a single Jew can be in the House or in the Senate without the votes of the Americans of the Color – African Americans, Hispanics, East Asian or South Asian (excluding Hindu Bhartis ). Fifth, out of 26 members, 24 members belong to Democratic Party. One is Republican and one is independent. This fact leads to another conclusion. When the Jewish leadership claims that Jews vote overwhelming for Democratic Party, it is not telling the whole story. In fact, they are voting for their Jewish senators and Jewish congressmen and not for the Democratic Party.
Jewish leadership is realizing itself that they are becoming less and less relevant as their voting strength is concerned. ” Allan J. Lichtman, an American University historian and author of several books on handicapping presidential races, said that the Republicans think they can get some Jewish votes in 2004, but the numbers are limited. Too few Jewish votes in play come Election Day, experts say.” James D. Besser, The Jewish Week, July 6, 2004.
Part Three
If Jews are less than one percent of the American voters according to their own sources, what tactics the Jewish leadership applies to pose itself the kingmaker in the American politics. It propagates and boasts that no presidential candidates can say no to the Jewish leadership and survive. “The only thing which matter in Washington … is if the people in the Bronx and Brownsville and Borough Park begin to mutter in their beards, they’ll be damned if they continue to cast their votes to a party that breaks its pledges to them …. You let me have the Jewish vote of New York and I will bring you the head of Ibn Saud on a platter! The Administration will sell all seven Arab states if it is a question of retaining the support … of the Jews of New York alone; never mind the rest of the country.” P. 175, Israel in the Mind of America.
Another tactics. Jewish leadership always talks about the percentage of the Jewish vote a presidential gets. Why? The reason is obvious. If it says that Bush Jr. got 170,000 Jewish votes nationwide, every body will laugh. Because these are laughable numbers. Millions of votes are cast in a presidential election, what relevance 170,000 votes have? But when it says, ” Bush won about 17 percent of the Jewish vote in 2000, but supporters are aiming to raise that to about 30% in this election, based largely on his support for Israel.” Maura Reynolds and Peter Wallsten. May 19, 2004. This 17 percentage makes a reader confused. He might think that 17 percent Jewish votes mean 5 million or ten million. A reader should know that Jewish leadership claims that there are about 5 million Jews in this country. Out of these five million, one million are eligible to vote. So 17 percent is a negligible figure as Jewish power is concerned. But it muffles the reality. Second, Jewish leadership always inflates the Jewish population all over the world to make the Jewish race conspicuous for political reasons.
Jewish leadership uses another tactics to make itself relevant in a presidential election. It portrays itself the vital factor in battle ground states. Battle ground states are those states where both parties hope for a victory. Jewish leadership says that in the battlegrounds states like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Missouri, New Jersey, and in Illinois, Jewish votes can make a difference. Let us see what story the numbers tell.
Florida 16,054,000. Ohio 11,360,000. Pennsylvania 12,283,000. Nevada 2,019,000. Missouri 5,603,000. New Jersey 8,429,000. Illinois 12,436,600. Total population of these 7 states is more than 68 million. What role one million Jewish votes all over the United States can play in these seven battleground states? Jewish leadership cannot claim that all Jews live in these 7 states. Suppose 100,000 Jews lives in these states. How this negligible numbers can make a difference in the states of 68 millions Americans.
These days Jewish leadership is talking about another tactics. It is the Jewish swing votes. What it means? It means that Jews are not going to vote as a block to a Democratic candidate. It is said again and again that Bush Jr. might chip away some votes or about 30 percent –” 300,000 votes out of 1,000,000 total Jewish votes. This 300,000 Jewish swing votes are tossed again and again a turning point in the American political history. Republicans and Democrats both are warned again and again that this time Jewish votes are not granted. Both parties have to earn them by addressing the Jewish concerns. “The strong Jewish independent bloc, and its growing willingness to consider GOP candidates, is an unmistakable warning to Democratic leaders that its candidates must speak more clearly on the issues Jews care about –”foreign and domestic –” if it wants to keep Jewish votes and, more importantly Jewish campaign money. The rise of a growing Jewish swing vote could be a force for moderation in both parties. Swing votes are more valuable than safe votes. When both parties are forced to compete for a community’s vote, the community’s concerns will be heard; its interests looked after. That’s the good news just beneath the surface of last week’s Gallup poll.” James D. Besser, The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angles.
The Gallup poll, which is referred to, says that 50 percent Jews identify themselves as Democrats, only 17 percent Republicans and 33 percent independent (swing). ” Last week’s Gallup Poll on Jewish political affiliation had some good news for both Democratic and Republicans, but most of all, it had good news for the Jewish community. Jewish democrats reacted gleefully to one finding –” that approximately 50 percent of Jews identify themselves as Democrats, only 17 percent as Republicans. That’s is stinging refutation of perennial claims by the Republicans that Jews are on the verge of a great political migration. In fact, a year’s worth of Jewish –”GOP outreach has convinced only a measly few Jews to don the GOP label.” James D. Besser, The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.
Note again the percentage of Jews votes is given even by Gallup poll. If Gallup polls say that there are only 500,000 Jewish votes in the entire United States. Out of these 500,000 Jewish votes, 250,000 are democrats 87,000 are Republicans and 165,000 are independent, Jewish real size in the American politics will be exposed. But it does not happen. No body can even dare to dispute anything that Jewish leadership says. Even the difference of opinion becomes anti-Jewish. Note recent indifferent opinions aired by a former governor, by a forcer general, and a sitting senator were greeted with hostility.
Another factor, which is told again and again by the Jewish leadership with purpose, is that Jews vote ‘overwhelmingly’ for Democratic Party. (Remember always their negligible numbers and not the percentage of votes for Democratic Party).
Do the Jews vote ‘overwhelmingly’ for the Democrats? No. The fact of the matter is that the Jews do not vote for the Democratic Party but for the Jewish candidates in the Senate and in the Congress. Let us see what the numbers say again. Who many Jewish senators are Democrats and how many are Republicans? See with your naked eyes that how many Jewish senators are Democrats and how many are Republicans. 1. Barbara Boxer of Californian? Democrat. 2. Norm Coleman of Minnesota? Republican. 3. Russell Feingold of Wisconsin? Democrat. 4. Dianne Feinstein of California? Democrat. 5. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin? Democrat. 6. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey? Democrat. 7. Carl Levin of Michigan? Democrat. 8. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut? Democrat. 9. Charles Schumer of New York? Democrat. 10. Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania? Republican. 11. Ron Wyden of Oregon? Democrat.
So do the math. There were 11 Jewish senators in the Senate of 100 Senators. Nine of them were ‘Democrats’ and 2 were ‘Republicans.’ when the 108 Congress started functioning in January 2003. So when about 500,000 Jews vote all over the United States in a senatorial election, they do not vote ‘overwhelmingly’ for the Democratic Party, but for a Jewish candidate for Senate. Why do the Jews not run as Republicans? More than 90 percent of Republican Party members are White. It is difficult for the Jewish leadership to fool them. It is easier to fool the Americans of Color in the Democratic Party by claiming their friends. So it is not the love of the Democrat Party that Jewish candidates choose to run as Democrats.
Do 500,000 Jews nation wide vote for the Democratic Party when they vote for the members of House of Representatives? They again do not vote for the Democratic Party like senatorial races. They vote for their Jewish brother and sisters who are fooling the Americans by running as Democrats. Note one by one the ‘political affiliation’ of the Jewish members of the House of Representatives. 1. Gary Ackerman of New York? Democrat. 2. Shelley Berkley of Nevada? Democrat. 3. Howard Berman of California? Democrat. 4. Eric Cantor of Virginia? Republican. 5. Ben Cardin of Maryland? Democrat. 6. Susan Davis of California? Democrat. 7. Peter Deultsch of Florida? Democrat. 8. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois? Democrat. 8. Eliot Engel of New York? Democrat. 10. Bob Filner of California? Democrat. 11. Barney Frank of Massachusetts? Democrat. 12. Martin Frost of Texas? Democrat. 13. Jane Harman of California? Democrat. 14. Steve Israel of New York? Democrat. 15. Tom Lantos of California? Democrat. 16. Sander Levin of Michigan? Democrat. 17. Nita Lowey of New York? Democrat. 18. Jerry Nadler of New York? Democrat. 19. Steve Rothman of New Jersey?
Democrat. 20. Bernard Sanders of Vermont? Independent. 21. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois? Democrat. 22. Adam Schiff of California? Democrat. 23. Brad Sherman of California? Democrat. 24. Howard Waxman of California? Democrat. 25. Anthony Weiner of New York? Democrat. 26. Robert Wexler of Florida? Democrat.
So do the math again. There were 26 Jewish members in the House of Representatives. Out of these 26 Jewish members, 24 of them were ‘Democrats’ one was ‘Republican’ and one was ‘independent,’ when the 108 Congress started functioning in January 2003.
So when about 500,000 Jews vote all over the United States in the House election, they do not vote ‘overwhelmingly’ for the Democratic Party, but they vote for a Jewish candidate for the House. Why do the Jews do not run as Republicans for the House? More than 90 percent of Republican Party members are White. It is difficult for the Jewish leadership to fool them. It is easier to fool the Americans of Color in the Democratic Party by claiming their friends. So it is not the love of the Democrat Party that Jewish candidates for the House to choose to run as Democrats.
In short, there are more than fifty tactics that the Jewish leadership uses to keep its worldwide empire afloat. It operates from here. It is the patriotic duty of every Americans to expose that how the Jewish leadership is using the American power to further its won agenda at the expanse of the American interests. Few voices have raised their concerns about the Jewish anti-American agenda. It is a positive development. But more is needed.
As the coming election is concerned, Jewish leadership has decided to garbage president Bush. Reason or Reasons? It has used this Baby Emperor to the last extent and now he is no more needed. It is one of the reasons. But the only hurdle, which it is facing to oust Bush Jr., is ‘Christian Right.’ It is sticking with Bush. And this is a new phenomenon, which Jewish leadership is facing. Will the rise of ‘Christian Right’ prove the end of Jewish leadership monopoly over the U.S. political system? Time will tell? It is another topic that requires an in-depth discussion.