Punishing the Democratic Party Leadership by Voting for Bush

"Perhaps Democrats and Progressives should punish the Democratic Leadership for proposing Bush Light by voting for Bush himself. Perhaps the leadership needs to be taught a lesson."

Empire America and Bush’s ‘New Deal’

"The Bush Administration, the Defense Department hawks and the elite corps of supporters behind the New America Project and their conservative vision of America have successfully left the substantial thumbprint of American hegemony on the rest of the world in their wake. America will be dealing with it for decades to come."

Tucci, Catholic U., Abortion & the Bishops

"Catholic University of America (CUA), located in Washington, DC, has barred actor Stanley Tucci from appearing on campus for a seminar, set for Oct. 15th, which is devoted to contemporary Italian cinema. The CUA gave as its reasons Tucci’s public persona as a pro choice advocate on abortion. The school said it didn’t want to give Tucci “a platform.” The National Conference of U.S. Bishops runs the CUA. Some of those same clerics stand accused of condoning the priest pedophile scandal and also the evil of warmongering."

Worth Repeating: Remembering the killing fields of Sabra and Shatila

"There were no fiery speeches about democracy, freedom and liberty by an American head of state, no high-profile condemnations of the evil committed by the Israeli army and the Lebanese Christian Phalangist militias. All America did during those bloody months of July and August 1982 was to plead with its client state Israel to show "restraint."

"Fahrenheit 9/11" Plays Cairo

"...Saudi oil wealth does not translate into sufficient political clout in Washington for the Saudis to push the US into war, as far as Egyptian and Arab audiences are concerned. Meanwhile, the influence and strategic vision of another US ally in the Middle East -- Israel -- is nowhere to be seen in "Fahrenheit 9/11."