South East Asian governments discovering Islamic ‘terrorists’ to please Uncle Sam

"In order to create hysteria, the kind we have grown familiar with since the beginning of the ‘war on terror’, the Western media create images of ‘dangerous terrorists’ on the run."

The Associate Press: When bad journalism becomes routine

"...the Associated Press, whose stated mission is 'to provide state, national and international news, photos, graphics, broadcast and online services of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity' clearly cannot be counted among the majority of intelligent observers..."

U.S. Iraq Policy: The Day the Roof Caved In

"As top Bush administration officials come before Congress this week to justify the annual $80-plus billion being pumped into Iraq to try to contain a worsening insurgency, new questions have arisen about why the United States invaded that country in the first place."

The Wog’s Wall Street Journal (Satire)

"It's an unfortunate fact of politics that Republicans are up against a double standard on matters of race. Jesse Jackson can utter an anti-Semitic slur ('Hymietown') but somehow still claim the moral authority to lecture Mr. Lott."

Background on and Motives for the Arrest of Abdurahman Alamoudi

Muslims ask, "Are we not safe against tyranny in the US?"