SA academic Dugard slams Israel

" The Report highlighted two issues before the international community- the unlawful annexation of Palestinian territory and the restrictions on freedom of movement."

Is Zionism dead?

"The sense of moral outrage that has been building up in international public opinion at the increasingly savage war Sharon is waging against the Palestinian people is now echoed inside Israel itself, with many prominent Israeli personalities within the ruling elite now openly condemning what they see as the degradation of Israel's Zionist ideals."

Test of political maturity facing American Muslims

"As the end of the year approaches, American political circles are getting into gear for the electoral campaigns which will dominate 2004, culminating in the presidential elections at the end of the year."

A National Leadership Conference that Counts

"The last two decades have witnessed a transformation. Despite pressures, we have brought together the component parts of the community."

Womanising Arnold – A natural product of a free society?

"An example of this agitation is the revealing clothes (particularly for females) that are constantly deployed by the fashion, film and the music industry as trends setters, which are often justified under the pretext of expressing individual freedom..."