A Man and his People

"Arafat’s (and our) tragedy was that whenever he came closer to a peaceful solution, the Israeli governments withdrew from it."

"A Viewpoint Not Represented in the Mainstream Media"

"I see no reason why the government can't play favorites with the majority religion (in our case, Christianity) when it comes to open displays, as long as those who practice other religions are free to do so without encumbrance."

U.S. Federal Mandate, Moral Values and Conservation

"It takes no special skill or intelligence to liquidate valuable natural resources into cash. It takes skill and thought and care and commitment to say no to endless liquidation."


Staging Armageddon – Your place or mine?

"The signs are clear. If we are not vigilant, America is destined for Armageddon. The battle for morality in America is nothing less than a battle for national security."

Elections and the Specter of Things Unseen

"In the next year, the news will be filled with coverage of the war in Iraq, the nomination of at least one new Supreme Court justice, proposals for tax cuts and any number of other momentous issues that have not been settled by this election. We will need vibrant idealism and political activism as much as ever."