Ramadan: "Islam Unplugged for a Month, Unplugged for Life"

"Unfortunately, aside from verbal and emotional expressions of the virtue of unity and the striving for common good from the platform of Mosques and some other Muslim and Arab organizations, a matching response to the formidable challenges facing the Muslim world at this critical juncture is not forthcoming."

"Look upon your works, ye Israel, and despair"

"It is worth noting both that every Israeli Jew, with the exception of a religious group, is first an active-duty soldier for three years and then a reservist to age 55, and that it was a reserve major who massacred hundreds in Jenin in April 2002 while another crushed Rachel Corrie beneath his tracks and then reversed over her to ensure she was dead in Ghazza."

Arafat’s departure brings uncertainty

"Were Arafat to die, Palestinian law provides that the Speaker of the Legislative Council take the reigns of power for 60 days until elections can be held."

Arafat, US Elections and More

"As far as the US is concerned, the two main candidates supported war and competed to please the Israeli lobby in Washington. There were some differences worth noting and all people who voted knew them."

A Man and his People

"Arafat’s (and our) tragedy was that whenever he came closer to a peaceful solution, the Israeli governments withdrew from it."