Let Rupert Murdoch Appoint the President


"Most analysis of election financing tends to focus on the donors and their not so secret agendas. A more interesting approach is to figure out why candidates for high office need so much money. Where exactly do they spend all these billions? Why did they need a 30% increase to cover this year’s campaign expenses?"

The Government You Deserve

"America, you elected this plodding creature, and it appears you are about to do so again."

Self-criticism Is the Way for Intifadah to Regain Momentum

"...the hostile media agencies have misled the world public opinion to believe that the Palestinians are the ones who are invading the Israeli territories and besieging Israeli cities."

The Presidential Pageant: "There He Is, Mr. America…"

"The gaps between televised appearances and real-world realities have never been more profound than the abyss between George W. Bush’s favorite televised personas and the consequences of his presidential reign. It may soon be this president’s misfortune that most voters have seen through the poses of a pleasant TV performer."

Humanism vs. Nationalism

"The West, particularly the U.S., should pull out of all Muslim majority countries. The U.S. should withdraw all support from the puppets and let them fall so that Muslims gain their true freedom, not the fraudulent slogan of Bush and Blair. Settle the peace process by creating a multi-ethnic single country and stop the fraud of two states. Lastly, stop putting hurdles in the progress of the Muslim world in all spheres."