The Importance of being "Irrelevant"

"For 45 years now, Arafat has lived in the shadow of death. There was not a moment when a plot to kill him was not being hatched somewhere or other."

Nader’s Game of "Chicken"

"More than any other American reformer of the last half-century, Nader kept showing that the emperor had no clothes. Now, at a crucial moment in history, Nader has become a de facto ally of the current emperor."

A Guide to Election Night for the Non-Political Junkie


"The key states to watch throughout the evening will be the so-called "battleground" states. The candidate who wins the majority of those states will likely win the election."

Huge Iraqi Civilian Deaths – Democratic Imperialism Kills

"A simple example from UNICEF data reveals the horrendous magnitude of the human cost in Iraq and Afghanistan of what has been described by a noted proponent of the US- and UK-led Coalitions as "democratic imperialism" (I would prefer the more precise term of "democratic Nazism")."

Choose your Neo-con poison

"The simple truth is that the Iraqi insurgency is a reaction to the occupation. Yet, the DLC’s foreign policy ‘experts’ don’t seem to have a clue about what is essentially a conventional and brutal liberation struggle. Because of their neo-con backgrounds, it is entirely possible that these policy wonks are deliberately misleading the same gullible public that swallowed whole the canards about WMDs."