The New McCarthyism: Bulwark against US Regime Change

"Benjamin Franklin’s words of warning resonate even more powerfully today: “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

American Psycho

"We have a Senator who always smilingly supports death, whether as part of American foreign policy, Israeli foreign policy, or in prisons."

A Great Gift for Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year

"We, for whom the Israel Defense Forces and the Air Force are an inalienable part of ourselves, refuse to continue to harm innocent civilians."

9/11 events have begun the end of American Economic Supremacy

"In a scenario changed by the 9/11 events, and after the excessive reaction of the Bush Administration to the so-called terrorism resulting in Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the strain on the American economy has been so tremendous that all these supply-side theories have fallen apart on the ground realities of highly strained economy that ensued after these unforeseen events and the wars."

Edward, unlike your homeland, you’re free now

"The ink of a Scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr"

- Muhammad, peace be upon him, Messenger of Allah (swt)