The PATRIOT Act’s Assault on the Bill of Rights

"...blatant constitutional violations by the PATRIOT Act, however, are not restricted to foreigners alone. The legislation expands terrorism laws to include “domestic terrorism”, which could subject common political organizations to surveillance, wiretapping, and harassment for political advocacy. Consequently, the mere threat of criminal action is employed to suppress peaceful dissent."

Open Warfare: Bush Vs. the Intelligence Community

"At a time when the Bush administration is under renewed criticism from Congress for flawed intelligence collection on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs and Iraq’s alleged links to al Qaeda, it faces withering fire from perhaps a more formidable foe: it’s own intelligence agencies."

Islam needs NO defense against Manji’s book, But perhaps Muslim DO

"When it comes to anti-Islam, Muslim-bashing, smearing the Qur’an, or insulting the Prophet Muhammed in print, however, both publishers and authors stand to make money from the venture."

The Racism Barrier: Answering William Safire

"Mr. Safire can continue with his paper columns, Mr. Sharon with his tank columns and Israel with its barriers, bullets, bombs, and bulldozers: it will not matter in the end. Every injustice, every atrocity, has and will only continue to sharpen and strengthen the indomitable Palestinian will to resist against all odds."

Zionists practice art of repression

"In last month’s column, I showed the cause and effect between a BBC World broadcast of a documentary on Israel’s nuclear program and Israel’s need to censor uncomfortable truths. Even though Israel’s Secret Weapon featured previously known factual data, the show challenged carefully crafted propaganda that had to be protected; thus, the show and the BBC were vilified."