How Subversive Politics Undermined Our Democracy and made us More Vulnerable to Terrorist Acts...

"Common sense tells us that our founding fathers put impeachment in the Constitu-tion to deal with serious breaches of official duties and great crimes against society."

Welcome to the One-Party State

"Republican successes have not come quickly or easily. For more than four decades, conservatives have worked to build a network of grassroots organizations and think tanks that formulate and promote their ideas."


Politics and the CIA

"Playing politics with intelligence is bad for the republic. No matter what an administration’s political agenda, it helps to have a “reality check” from more objective sources about what is actually happening in the real world."

Condi the Nationalist Ideologue to Play Diplomat

"They say, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall", and America is headed for a hard fall, with Condoleeza Rice and George W. Bush shaking the ground and making it more and more unlikely to maintain or even attain balance."

Hebron: The Street

"There won't be peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians until there is peace in places like Hebron."