Mike Pence - US Vice President in 2017

A Christmas Message to Vice-President Mike Pence

Mr. Vice President: As you celebrate Christmas with your family and listen to the gospel story of the birth of Jesus, I hope you will...
Embassy of the United States in Tel Aviv

Trump’s Jerusalem proclamation backfires

On December 6, President Donald Trump appeased his Evangelical constituency by unilaterally proclaiming Jerusalem as Israel's capital, where the US embassy should relocate. Palestinians...
West Bank - Palestine

Cry, Beloved Country

ANYONE PROPOSING the death penalty is either a complete fool, an incorrigible cynic or mentally disturbed – or all of these. There is no effective...
Middle East

Islamic State: Is It Over?

Late last month, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, met the leaders of Iran, Turkey and Syria, allegedly to discuss a final peace settlement in the...
Climate Emergency

The criminal dimension of climate change

"We're simply talking about the very life support system of this planet." (Professor Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impacts). The extreme...