Does Liberty matter?

"Does the Liberty Matter? Today, more than ever. More than any other incident, the USS Liberty gave the Israeli Lobby cause to believe that they could get away with anything."


Terrorism, Anti-Semitism and The Sacred Cow

"Over a century ago, Mark Twain concluded, "the very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice"."

Is Iraq Another Vietnam?

"The American public has been more patient with the U.S. government in Iraq than in Lebanon and Somalia. After the September 11 attacks, the President and his people repeatedly implied -- disingenuously -- that Saddam was implicated in that tragedy. But after President Bush was finally forced to admit that no Saddam-September 11 link had been discovered and that no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq were found that could be given to terrorists, the Bush’s administration’s justifications for war are now in shambles."

Canadians were shortchanged on good news

"The good news for Muslims is not only that Ebadi is the first Muslim woman ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but also that she has not blamed Islam for the shortcomings of Muslims."


Quest for Absolute Power

"President Chandrika Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka first suspended Parliament for two weeks and sacked three ministers, that of Defence, Interior and the Media, from the Cabinet."