In Gaza, the dead bury the dead

"Most people think of grave digging as a gloomy profession. But the young gravediggers at Sheikh Radwan considered their work honorable, especially since, in the words of Mossab, they have “the honor of burying the martyrs the Israelis kill."


Sabra and Shatila – September 16, 1982: Does anyone care to remember?

"Much of the type of demonisation of Palestinians as “terrorists” going on today under Sharon the Prime Minister, is a continuation of the rhetoric of 1982 by Sharon the Defence Minister."

Welcome to the Pax Americana

"The cost in blood and in treasure for the promotion of the Pax Americana in Iraq is very high."

Coverage of Sept. 11 anniversary fosters cult of martyrdom and manipulation

"In the Theocratic States of America, no reporter is going to call into question canonical verities, much less criticize the U.S.’s carefully nurtured sense of martyrdom. Yet, the WTC collapse isn’t a matter of faith; it’s a matter of fact, and therefore it can and should be discussed critically. The fact that our mainstream media are afraid or unable to do this should make us wonder what we’re not being told."

Clothing, colonization and spiritual identity

" has the power to conceal or reveal levels of reality, and changing one's mode or style of clothing is inseparable from manifesting the meaning of one's being."