Dry University and College Campus Please!

"Alcoholic beverages are widely misused on campuses, and in many cases taxpayer money and student activity fees continue to be used to fatten the pockets of beer company executives."

9/11: A Double-Edged Tragedy for American-Muslims

"We also have to worry about the continued hijacking of our faith by some Muslims whose atrocious acts can have no possible justification. Minority as they may be, we have to gear up for an ideological battle against them since their aggressive ways are attracting more attention than our peaceful ways."

"If You Harbor Terrorists, You Are a Terrorist"

"Three years ago, after 9/11, President Bush appeared to draw the same line in the sand. Addressing members of the 101st Airborne Division, he declared, “If you harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist.” Today, Americans should ask whether those tough words were only rhetoric, quickly forgotten when political convenience dictates."

The Temple Mount Bombers

"...when the Zionist community in Palestine established a state, something happened to Judaism there. The connection with the territory, the soil, changed the face of the religion, as it did to all other parts of national life. It is no exaggeration to claim that the Jewish religion in Israel underwent a mutation, which has become more and more extreme in recent years."

Indonesian general acquitted of Tanjung Priok massacre

"Although justified, the outrage in western government circles over the East Timor acquittals is just another example of the West's double standards. None of the massacres perpetrated against tens of thousands of Muslims during the Suharto era (which were far worse in range and scale) generated any outrage."