Arafat: The end of an Icon?

"As the world’s media attention is yet again focused on Arafat and the usual analysis about the likely consequences of a power vacuum, it must be cautioned against overlooking the hopes and aspirations of rank and file Palestinians."

The War on Terror (Itself) is a Quagmire Like Vietnam

"The War on Terror is another quagmire, a deliberate quagmire, and it is a money pit for the privileged few. If their children were fighting it and if they were paying for it and not profiting from it, this war would never have begun -- it just wouldn't be prudent."

What is Terrorism? A Biased Canadian Media Evades the Trial Question

"Our television host did not set out to ask who terrorists are, where they operate, how they do it, or even why (although each of these issues inevitably emerged in debate). Instead, he asked point-blank for a definition: what is terrorism? And in doing so, he opened a Pandora's box of history, emotion, frustration, uncertainty and fear, that left none of us unscathed."

Bush’s Electoral Prospects Get a Little Help from Overseas

"...why would bin Laden want to help his ostensible nemesis get reelected? Maybe because the Bush administration’s “war on terrorism” has done more to help al Qaeda than anything since the invention of gunpowder."

The Far Right Misgoverns

"Much of the media has lost its independence -- public hearings into media concentration, ownership and conflicts of interest are long overdue."