Wanted: a Sharon of the Left

"Immediately after leaving the army, Ariel Sharon created the Likud. It was 1973, when he realized that the army top brass would never tolerate his appointment as Chief-of-Staff."

In Public With John & Joan Q.

"The point I’m making in this article is that there are MORE of us that are aware than our corporate owned media will tell us. The youth of this country is ALRIGHT, actually quite fabulous I may add."

War, Social Justice, Media and Democracy

:: Prepared text of speech at the Brazilian Social Forum, November 8, 2003 - Belo Horizonte, Brazil ::

"When a country — particularly “a democracy” — goes to war, the passive consent of the governed lubricates the machinery of slaughter. Silence is a key form of cooperation, but the war-making system does not insist on quietude or agreement. Mere passivity or self-restraint will suffice to keep the missiles flying, the bombs exploding and the faraway people dying."

The Trial of a Muslim Leader :: Bring Back Segregation ::

"Numerous people among the Muslim community—and even those who look remotely Middle Eastern—have been, at best, humiliated and, in extreme cases, brutalized by government officials."

Arab Americans emerge as a political force

"A fundamental criticism of the Patriot Act's targeting of Arab and Muslim Americans, as well as foreign nationals, is that it is ineffective. According to Cole of the over 5,000 foreign nationals who have been detained since 9/11, only two have been convicted of anything related to terrorism."