The Guantánamo "Black Hole": The Law of War and the Sovereign Exception

"The crucial clause of the Third Geneva Convention that the US might have violated is Article 5: "Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to any of the categories enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protections of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal."

Islam – What Gave its Glow and Gloom?

"As the educated and enlightened Muslims never bothered to take the leadership in the religion, the Mullahs faced no rival in challenging their interpretation, marinated with their own recipe and shaped Islam to fit their personal needs just as the Popes did in Christendom."

The Journalist as War Criminal

"It should be recalled that the war crime charges against Sharon were not dropped because of his innocence, but because he wasn’t resident in Belgium. At the very least, Rupert Murdoch, Sulzberger and Graham can be driven from the Belgian media markets."

A Fox called Lion

"If the Arabs are strong, you can’t make peace with them. You have to defeat them. And if the Arabs are weak, there is no need to make peace with them. Why offer them anything?"

Hague convictions still leave main Serb criminals at large

"...the UN prevented the Bosnian Muslims from defending themselves. When some Muslim countries (Islamic Iran, for instance) tried to help the Bosnians, the Americans intercepted the shipments. The Serbs were given a free hand to butcher Muslims in cold blood. In May 1993, during a visit to Washington DC, when British foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind was asked why his government would not support the lifting of the arms embargo against Bosnia, he replied: "Then we will lose control." Rifkind, himself Jewish, was in Washington to participate in the inauguration of a Holocaust Memorial Museum."