The shadow of Abu Mazen and the Need for Qurei to rethink his policies

"In the absence of any serious alternative, and with the PNA not ready to sacrifice its own existence, there doesn't seem to be any other alternative for the new prime minister but to go back to the ways of his predecessor and hope for the best."

Miami’s Mixed Bag: Solidarity and Misdirection

"By shifting our focus away from mass mobilizations and toward community projects, we unite our struggles and add more experience and insight to the movement. If we do this vital, ground-laying work, the global justice movement will have a solid foundation of people prepared to resist the next round of globalization."

"Never Again"?… Maybe Just One More Time…"

"Muslims in France have never truly been accepted by their fellow citizens. With memories of the Algerian war of independence against the French still fresh in the mind, France has always been suspicious of its Muslim citizens, as “Fifth Columnists” or “the Enemy within”."

Anti-Semitism: A Practical Manual

"...Racism is a kind of virus that exists in every nation and in every human being. Jean-Paul Sartre said that we are all racists, the difference being that some of us realize this and fight against it, while others succumb to the evil."

"One man, one vote – and then what will we do?"!

"It is not the Palestinians who refuse to make peace. Far from it. In 1948 Count Bernadotte formatted a partition agreement which was accepted by the Palestinian leaders and rejected by the state of Israel – Israel then murdered Count Bernadotte for his efforts."