Scandals of Oil for Food

"While Saddam Hussein's regime may have found ways to capture funds that were meant to serve the Iraqi population, abuse of oil monies seems to be occurring on a similar scale in US-occupied Iraq."

The Wall: There, and Here

"Though israeli critics are a minority, they are bolder and more numerous than those in the USA, where open questioning seems more dangerous and is immediately labeled anti-Semitism."

The Kashmiris’ Oath

"As is indexed in the folio of the history, India is fully aware of the fact that not a single Kashmiri shall vote for New Delhi and that-is-why the treacherous Indians are evading the UN resolutions with one sham excuse — one-way or the other."

Rachel Corrie and Klinghoffer

"Given the current state of the union, not all American deaths are equal. The president of the United States will never mention Rachel Corrie or dispatch FBI agents to investigate the circumstances of her death. Every American adult who pays attention to these matters knows that George Bush will not embarrass Sharon with pesky questions on what happened to Rachel."

Gee, the Globe and Mail need a lesson in honest commentary

"Canada’s national newspaper has the cachet of respectability, so when one of its writers bastardizes the historical record to serve Israel the effect is more worrisome. On July 14, editorial page editor Marcus Gee wrote a column defending Israel’s Wall, but demonstrated virtually no comprehension of the subject."