Rice couches questionable appeal for dialogue with Muslim world in jargon of US religious...

"Rice is also seemingly oblivious to the truth that there is a US religious extremism that is very threatening to the Muslim world, and so this is perhaps where the dialogue, if there is to be one, should begin."

A Book Worth Reading

"The ideologues are the lobbyists who wield power. Their power is derived from their use of their members' money and votes, and from their ability to exploit their members' real and imagined fears. These lobbyists play politics as a "zero sum" game. For them, not only is losing anathema, compromise is as well."

A redeployment

"...the situation is so complex, that a withdrawal of American troops would be likely welcome by a lot of people..."

Being Pro-War Is Not Necessarily Patriotic

"In the short-run, the United States needs to neutralize al Qaeda, but in the longer term it needs to ask why the group attacked U.S. targets. If the United States quietly abandoned its interventionist foreign policy, it would greatly reduce the worldwide anti-U.S. hatred and the resultant blowback terrorist attacks."

Blame the terrorist behind that tree!

"Life is NOT just a box of chocolates. Nor is it an endless video game or just one big television production. When American soldiers, sailors and marines are riddled with real bullets -- blasted apart by real bombs -- they don't get up, dust themselves off and go home after the "show." They die. And they stay dead."