"Anti-Semitism": The new McCarthyism

"The reality is that Israel has been cleansing all of Palestine of its indigenous population, which is the real genocide in this region. But for die-hard Zionists, Israel can never do any wrong and any criticism or negative characterization of its belligerence or oppression is immediately called "anti-Semitic."

Power of entertainment can change American minds

"Americans like their enemies cast in simple terms. They like the world painted in terms of either Good of Evil. That's one reason why a real-life president like George W. Bush who has no formal experience or training in foreign policy can destroy Middle East peace, create conflicts out of complacency, and still win the support of a majority of Americans using a policy that is defined in childlike terms of "you are either with us or against us."

Bad intentions

"As long as there is no political process that promises the Palestinians a peaceful end to the occupation and the Israelis the prospect of peace, violence will continue, whether it is the violence of the occupation asserting itself or the violence of the occupied people trying to free itself."

Palestine takes centre stage at the European Social Forum

"...a young woman approached the microphone. “I am a Palestinian refugee from Chatila” she said. “When I was a child I had to walk over the bodies of my dead brothers and sisters. I have never seen Palestine” she lamented as the audience tried to hold back their tears."


Israeli conspiracy or Palestinian opportunity?

"Sadly Sharon, who is clearly unwilling to enter into genuine peace negotiations--or even disengagement security talks--with our neighbors, is also unwilling and possibly emotionally or intellectually unable to explain to the Israeli public the urgent and vital demographic rationale for far-reaching disengagement."