The Olmert Saga: Visit by Right-wing zionist exploits unfair gains for Israel at the...

"Since Israel has effectively ended the “peace process” or whatever else it may have been called in different stages of its mutations, it desperately seeks new crutches to lean on."

European Trade Agreements, Human Rights, and Palestine

"As long as the European Union continues to treat the "human rights clause" of its Association Agreement with Israel as a dead letter and fails to suspend the Agreement in response to Israel's crimes - possibly as the first step towards the imposition of full sanctions - the Union will be open to the accusation that it is sacrificing the Palestinian people on the altars of Mammon and bad faith."

Is the magic over?

"The violent events exposed the inherent paradox in Sharon's plan: in order to get out of the despised Gaza region, Israel is getting deeper into it. The unilateral idea of leaving a "security vacuum" on the other side, without a credible authority to assure security and quiet, threatens to turn disengagement into a bloody mess, with Hamas and others trying to hit at the departing Israelis. Keeping a "security zone" in post-withdrawal Gaza, no matter how narrow, is a recipe for ongoing violence, undermining Israel's claim to "end the occupation.""


The Resurrection

"To perceive that there is no life after death, and to base this perception on the fact that we have not seen it, is akin to a group of savages mistakenly subscribing to the notion that there are no telephones, computers, radios, or jet planes, simply because they have never seen or experienced them."

Christopher Colon and the death of a nation :: Does he deserve a yearly...

"The policies of killing, forced labor and separation of families were continued for decades. The net result was the death of a nation. This continent should have at least one billion Americans of Color. Instead, it has only a few million Native Americans."