No South African solution

"While Jews are not yet a minority and the Palestinian Arabs a majority, the demographic clock is ticking and within 10-20 years this will indeed be the situation."

Cardinal Rigali Wrong to Boost Warmonger Bush

"On Oct. 3, 2004, Philadelphia’s Cardinal Justin Rigali promoted in a homily, the presidential candidacy of the supposedly pro-life George Bush. Besides the fact that the IRS Tax Code proscribes the clergy from sticking their noses into politics, it is truly ironic that a raving warmonger, like Bush, can be considered pro life. Close to 15,377 civilians and 1,104 U.S. soldiers have died in the Iraqi War. Why isn’t Rigali concerned about that moral issue?"

‘To begin the real process of healing’

"The myth of non-existence of the Palestinian people and a legitimate leadership takes on various forms and justifications."

Chasing the Red Dragon

"The future of India lies in education of the masses. It’s not enough that India has the world class Indian Institutes of Technology or Indian Institutes of Management. India needs to ensure that the villages of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan have high quality schools that not just give a world class education but also help root out the existing caste and religion-based divisions in Indian society."

Polls, Damn Polls and Statistics

"Polls are just polls. The results depend on the mental health of the pollster. The mass media racketeers like to leave the impression that their numbers come with a seal of approval from a certified FDA clinic."