A Time of Butterflies and Bombers

"Media consumers may like to think that U.S. news outlets have become oh-so-sophisticated in recent decades and are now quite willing to report on tough criticisms of American jingoism. But I’m still waiting for a single major U.S. media outlet to do a decent job of reporting on the relaunched Country Joe Band, currently touring as a superb musical ensemble."

A Price For Treachery

"It seems as if there was a deal struck with Sistani as he has already shown overt signs of coexisting happily with the American-Zionist camp and their installed puppet regime. This allows the Americans to deal with the rebellious and in their eye, the more pro-Iranian Muqtada al-Sadr. Sistani’s departure was timed so that he can remain a spectator to the US onslaught on al-Sadr’s men even it means defiling the holy sites around Najaf. Thus, Sistani’s absence gives him a plausible deniability."

Emerging Gameplan?

"While one believes that democracy and a “President in uniform” cannot go together, the fact remains that we are not living in Utopia but in rather complicated and dangerous corner of the world."

Fear and Loathing in the Newsroom

"Numerous journalists and commentators working for a variety of news organizations have reported Wilson's statement that the leak by Bush administration officials was part of a White House campaign to discredit and punish him for publicly challenging President Bush’s January 2003 assertion in his State of the Union Address that British intelligence had “learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”

America’s exceptional treatment of the Palestinians

"Yet another tangible cost of our blind support of Israel is that we are now seen as an unjust, cruel and racist people. The world understands that America gains nothing out of tormenting the Palestinians except what appears to be a perverse satisfaction out of inflicting pain and humiliation on a defenseless people."