What exactly is so "radical" about Moqtada Sadr?

"Indeed, the media overlooks the fact - as it does with many organizations that happen to have a military wing, such as the Palestinian Hamas or Lebanese Hezbollah - that Sadr runs a network of schools and charities built by his father. What is he possibly thinking, providing impoverished Iraqis with education and social welfare as their country descends ever-faster and deeper into turmoil?!"

The Trouble with electing Caesar

"When Kerry isn't photographed earnestly saluting or jabbing his finger in a bad parody of John Kennedy during the Cold War, he's photographed being thoughtful next to some symbol of war."

Democracy? Yeah, right

"2004 will only offer voters a choice between the same wafer, and a new marshmallow, both designed to keep a majority from even thinking about voting."

Justifying the Means

"It is said that the end justifies the means, in the case of Pakistan we have to watch out that the means used may well justify the end, as it almost did in 1971."


Crude Oil Prices Rising / Gasoline Prices Dropping — What Does...

"...gasoline prices do not go down while crude oil prices go up, except in highly extraordinary circumstances! This reality should be a signal to the masses that something extremely unusual and highly significant must be pending at the highest levels of national and world governance. This pattern is absolutely unsustainable, and common sense should tell us to treat it that way."