Being Pro-War Is Not Necessarily Patriotic

"In the short-run, the United States needs to neutralize al Qaeda, but in the longer term it needs to ask why the group attacked U.S. targets. If the United States quietly abandoned its interventionist foreign policy, it would greatly reduce the worldwide anti-U.S. hatred and the resultant blowback terrorist attacks."

Blame the terrorist behind that tree!

"Life is NOT just a box of chocolates. Nor is it an endless video game or just one big television production. When American soldiers, sailors and marines are riddled with real bullets -- blasted apart by real bombs -- they don't get up, dust themselves off and go home after the "show." They die. And they stay dead."

Building a Peace – Demolished home rebuilt in Anata village

"Settlements receive basic infrastructure support from Israel and the protection and development of this apparatus often overrides the interests of existing villages in the West Bank to the detriment of its residents. Israeli security concerns were deemed more important than Palestinian human rights concerns in Israel’s decision to proceed with the Separation Wall and now the de facto annexation of land in the process is difficult for the Palestinians to counter."

Scandals of Imams, Ayatollahs, Popes and Priests


"The recent denouncement of the US installed puppet Iyad Allawi by Muqtada al-Sadr as an apostate and being worse than Saddam Hussein has missed the bigger culprit."

Israel in Europe?

"To be sure, wars did not burst out between Israel and European countries, although this is precisely what happened with the Arabs. But why should this be a good reason for the defenders of the Israeli admission to Europe? Didn’t wars burst out also between the Europeans themselves?"