Destroying history

"Direct damage incurred during military operations is only part of the story, however. According to a March 2004 study released by the Palestinian Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies and prepared by researchers Jamal Barghouth and Mohammed Jaradat, the separation wall being erected by Israel in the West Bank is set to undermine the cultural link between archeological sites in the West Bank and surrounding archeological areas."

Immigrants: Double Edged, Double Tongued

"...the melting pot is a glorious and unique character of our homeland, so let’s do continue to embrace visitors and citizens-to-be but let us also remember that united as Americans we stand, and divided by special groups we fall."

Bush ‘shepherds’ minorities? :: Republican Party is still a White man...

"...Bush hired Americans of Color to discredit them in their own community, to use them do the dirty work, to pit themselves against each other and so on."

Bloodthirsty, Warmongering War Profiteers Rally in Madison Square Garden

"Amazingly, people like Miller and Cheney still like to speak of Saddam Hussein's torture of his own people in such prisons, while completely failing to mention the absolutely unconscionable American torture of Iraqi detainees simply to "fish" for information on the insurgency."

Governments should be held accountable by Muslims

"Unfortunately it is true that some in the Western media with an anti-Islamic agenda would take the Muslim condemnation of other Muslims for their own purposes."