Clothing, colonization and spiritual identity

" has the power to conceal or reveal levels of reality, and changing one's mode or style of clothing is inseparable from manifesting the meaning of one's being."

The Puritans and The Myth of Democracy


"Thomas Jefferson owes his prominence, in large part, to the hundreds of Africans he enslaved who afforded him the prestige, the wealth, and the leisure to pen such documents as the Declaration of Independence and to participate in the framing of the US Constitution."

When Wrong is right

"People who lose the sense of introspection as individuals and even more so as a society become dangerous to others and eventually to themselves."

Media coverage of suicide bombings: All effect, no cause

"Israel's daily injustices and provocations leading up to suicide bombings are often not reported, even less so now with the carnage in Iraq, Sudan and elsewhere, as the media falls into the trap of reporting "big" news such as explosions, while ignoring the "drip, drip" effects that lead to acts of horrendous, desperate, indiscriminate revenge."

Hizballah and Syria’s "Lebanese Card"

"Part of Syria's goal in exerting pressure upon Lebanese parliamentarians to prolong Lahoud's presidency was to retain its grip on a "Lebanese card" in its own confrontation with Israel."