Is the magic over?

"The violent events exposed the inherent paradox in Sharon's plan: in order to get out of the despised Gaza region, Israel is getting deeper into it. The unilateral idea of leaving a "security vacuum" on the other side, without a credible authority to assure security and quiet, threatens to turn disengagement into a bloody mess, with Hamas and others trying to hit at the departing Israelis. Keeping a "security zone" in post-withdrawal Gaza, no matter how narrow, is a recipe for ongoing violence, undermining Israel's claim to "end the occupation.""

The Resurrection


"To perceive that there is no life after death, and to base this perception on the fact that we have not seen it, is akin to a group of savages mistakenly subscribing to the notion that there are no telephones, computers, radios, or jet planes, simply because they have never seen or experienced them."

Christopher Colon and the death of a nation :: Does he...

"The policies of killing, forced labor and separation of families were continued for decades. The net result was the death of a nation. This continent should have at least one billion Americans of Color. Instead, it has only a few million Native Americans."

Counter-Guerilla Operations against Terrorism

"When the Quaid entrusted the defence of our western frontiers to the tribals in what became known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), the brigade groups were pulled out."

Canadians need a bill of rights to protect Seniors

"In 2001, an estimated 4 million Canadians were aged 65 and older; this was a 67 per cent rise over just two decades earlier. By 2020, the number of us at 65 years or over is expected to hit some 6.5 million, rising to an estimated 9 million in 2040. By that time, senior citizens will account for more than 20% of all Canadians."