Justifiable Murder

"The double standard is clear and obvious. Those who are non-White are to be considered less than human, practically on a level with cock roaches or vermin to be exterminated at the slightest imagined provocation or (baring that) no provocation at all, but simply to further the illegitimate interests and agendas of greedy and wicked men."

Fighting Terrorism with Technology

"One needs to counter terrorism by having successive layers on defence, putting emphasis on the most dangerous threats and the likely targets thereof."

Stinky and The Vulcans

"The media has been literally yelling about what we are doing in Iraq -- just not the U.S. media."

Hypocrisy is Democracy

"When the mothers in Iraq exhibit their natural emotions whilst burying their children, they are described by the media as people of ‘hate’. But what type of emotions could have generated the wanton abuse, torture and unprovoked killing of Iraqi civilians in Abu-Ghraib, Umm Qasr, and other US-run prisons?"


"The Palestinian refugees who languish in horrific living conditions in the refugee camps of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq still dream of their return to their homes, lands, and orchards."