Is Iraq Another Vietnam?

"The American public has been more patient with the U.S. government in Iraq than in Lebanon and Somalia. After the September 11 attacks, the President and his people repeatedly implied -- disingenuously -- that Saddam was implicated in that tragedy. But after President Bush was finally forced to admit that no Saddam-September 11 link had been discovered and that no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq were found that could be given to terrorists, the Bush’s administration’s justifications for war are now in shambles."

Canadians were shortchanged on good news

"The good news for Muslims is not only that Ebadi is the first Muslim woman ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but also that she has not blamed Islam for the shortcomings of Muslims."


Quest for Absolute Power

"President Chandrika Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka first suspended Parliament for two weeks and sacked three ministers, that of Defence, Interior and the Media, from the Cabinet."

Meanwhile, We’re Loaning the Elephants Out!

"On a related matter, the Ehrlich administration, in MD, is looking to sell the state owned 30-story World Trade Center building, located at Baltimore's Inner Harbor. A critic blasted the proposal as a "fire sale." Now, doesn't this sound familiar? Does the word "Oligarch" ring a bell?"

Shirin Ebadi’s Nobel Peace Prize Highlights Tension in Iran

"The decision to award the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize to Shirin Ebadi, the intrepid Iranian human rights lawyer and former judge, took everyone by surprise -- not least Ebadi herself."

The precarious triangle

"But even if Damascus shuts down the bases of these militant organizations--Hamas and Islamic Jihad--their violent anti-Israel activities in the occupied territories and in Israel would hardly be reduced; nor would the Israeli-Palestinian impasse be resolved."


Is the U.S. Media Objective? :: A view from the Middle...

"One of the major lobbies that leads the mainstream media is the corporations, especially those that produce weapons."

Cut Losses: Leave Iraq

"The only way to let the air out of the resistance is to quickly turn Iraq back to the Iraqis and withdraw U.S. forces. The violence arises primarily as a reaction to the invasion and occupation by a foreign superpower."

Why do we condemn Anti-Semitism, but not Anti-Islam?

"Now it is the turn of Muslims to learn effectively how to lower the spread of anti-Islam, whose roots are, in fact, from the same sources as anti- (Jewish) Semitism. For if they do not work hard to combat anti-Islam and expose those who for religious or political reasons are advancing it, the practice of anti-Islam will go on and on ... and on."

L’Affaire Boykin

"Because the United States is engaged not only in a war on terror, but an intensive effort to engage the Muslim world through a public diplomacy campaign, Boykin's remarks have caused real concern."

Israel Asper leaves legacy of bombast and bullying

"The three Ds of attack propaganda are: Denial, Denigration and Dishonesty. All are present here."

Turkey – USA :: A misunderstanding or a malaise? ::

"It is impossible not to feel the malaise in the US-Turkish relationship, in respect of the question of Iraq."


Iraqis turn Crusade into Nightmare for Bush

"Sunday’s pin-point attack on a US military helicopter in which sixteen soldiers died, coupled with the high cost of military occupation in Iraq and the mounting campaign within the US to bring troops back home is spreading panic throughout the White House."

Fooled Again: Democracy, American-Style

"Of course America’s incapacity for introspection makes bin Ladin’s observations a moot point. And that’s the worrisome part—even the tiny US antiwar movement is critical mostly because American troops are dying, not because of the morally repugnant nature of the whole Iraq enterprise."


The Moral Debate in the Israeli Military

"Many Israeli schools and homes, of course, will continue to churn out soldiers who look at Palestinians as sub-human -- as they have for decades."

Tinted Anarchy

"A recent incident in Lahore where a policeman on duty stopped a car, ostensibly having tinted windscreen, has evoked a lot of comment, most of it out of motivation and/or plain ignorance of the facts."

Fraudulent Thomas embraces Wolfie the Liberator

"Now that Friedman has joined the neo-con cabal, he openly declares his support of this ‘war of choice’."

Bush: Causus Beli, Baby :: Text of Bush WWW Press Conference...

"Text of President Bush's news conference in the basement of White House Laundry room. Ahmed Amr transcribed this text. He has hearing problems and the dryers were running, but this is what he thought he heard."

The Cancer Cells

"The Palestinians, of course, suffer more than anyone else."


Gov. Ehrlich: Don’t Forget the USS Liberty

"Gov. Ehrlich’s refusal to meet with Sharon would speak volumes. By doing so, he would be taking a stand against the fascist nature of the present Israeli regime, under the hawkish Sharon ( The gross militancy of this Israel government is so bad that in a recent poll, authorized by the European Commission, a majority of Europeans, said that, "Israel presented the biggest threat to world peace" (10/30/03,"