Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

"Today, two thousand years later, Bethlehem like much of Palestine, continues to be home to thousands of refugees. Ringed by settlements for Jews only, walled off and separated, Bethlehem today is virtually cut off from the rest of Palestine: choked by the settlements that surround her."

Geneva Accord: Relapse to Structural Discord for Beilin "Absolutely Kosher"

"Like the surreal Oslo Agreement, the Geneva Accords seem to be oblivious to the unequal nature of the ‘conflict’."

Clear U.S. Goal – "Democratic" Iraq under Firm U.S. Control

"The Soviet Union, even at its mightiest, never had the firepower and military might that the U.S. now possesses. And yet the U.S. is struggling to maintain security of its own forces in the tiny nation of Iraq, after years and years of disarming and weakening of the Iraqi military and population!"

God Help the Children of The Poor

"Marc Parent is one person who should never have been a child protective worker. In his widely acclaimed book, "Turning Stones" Parent portrays the Emergency Children's Services in New York as an operation that tolerates outlaw switchblade knife toting cowboys, including Parent himself.

Because Child Protective Services (CPS) is a political issue that depends on the political process for budgeting and priorities, and because CPS is subject to being used as a political football and is also subject to intense media oversight and pressure it is necessary for CPS workers themselves to speak up and stand against the tide, if need be, on behalf of their clients, the children."

A Question of Image

"The government must soon take the initiative to confront our adverse image problem, we must get something done and soon! Most importantly, we have to separate the internal requirements from the external image factor."

Writings on the wall

"...the graffiti is not there for aesthetics primarily. “The walls have become a daily notice board for us,” says Saad Hassan from the Shati’ Refugee Camp in Gaza. “It saves you the bother of reading the newspapers or leaflets being distributed here and there.”


The Equality Myth

"If we consider the need for love, affection, acceptance, and other types of social, psychological and even spiritual needs, it is easy to recognize our common needs. Yet, when it comes to the issue of justice, which is the primary objective of law, the issue of equality becomes more abstract, and the meaning of the word takes on some new, but subtle characteristics that are desirable not due to sameness, but do to our differences."

Iraqi Food Security in Hands of Occupying Powers

"After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the UN Security Council's imposition of comprehensive economic sanctions upon Iraq, the former Iraqi government assembled a food ration database, which was later expanded under the UN's so-called Oil for Food program."

Pakistan’s Win-Win India Policy

"Vajpayee knows without Paksiatn there can be no resolution of the Kashmir dispute."

That Event like Pearl Harbor Helped American Dream Come True

"The documentary is an eye-opener for those who were brainwashed by the US government and the news-media during the 9/11 incidents."

Let Them Eat Turkey

"Questions of sincerity aside, Bush’s pilgrimage to Iraq may backfire in the long-term. Bush’s last macho public relations gimmick -- landing on an aircraft carrier in a military flight suit under the banner of "mission accomplished" -- surely did."

The Bremer Chronicles: The Two Ayatollahs

"What the bad guys in the Middle East fear most is elections. Free elections. We have been in Iraq for almost eight months and we have not taken one step, not one step, to hold elections."

Interview with Norman Finkelstein

"M. Junaid Alam, a free-lance writer, recently had the opportunity to interview Norman Finkelstein, prominent and outspoken critic of Israel and son of Nazi holocaust survivors. Mr. Finkelstein is a professor of Political Science at DePaul University in Chicago and the author of the authoritative and controversial books "Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict" and "The Holocaust Industry."

Poisoning the American Minds

"In the arena of international politics, anti-Semitism is nothing more then a cloak to enforce a pro-Israeli agenda."

"Geneva Accords" Endows Spurious Legitmacy to A "Bantustan" Palestine

"It is no coincidence that the choice of Switzerland as the venue for signing the accords, is the same country which was the birthplace of the first international Zionist conference over a hundred years ago that launched the idea of establishing a homeland for Jews on the land of Palestine."

An Open Letter to My Palestinian Brothers and Sisters

"I am not, as a leader and as a politician, responsible for dreams, I am responsible that the dreams shall not become nightmares."

- Yasser Abed Rabbo

“This is not about justice.”

- Sari Nusseibeh commenting on the Nusseibeh-Ayalon peace plan while visiting the United States.

Bring hope to the people of South Asia

"The regions population of 1.3 billion, significant numbers living in poverty, in no way benefit from the weapons transfers."

On to Geneva, The Israeli / Palestinian Peace Process

"Why has Sharon reacted so violently against the Accord? Why have pro-Israeli journalists such as Charles Krauthammer in the United States condemned the process?"

Can It Ever Really End?

"If the future State of Palestine succeeds, the conflict may end without a press release or final handshake. If it fails, then Israel, the military superpower of the Middle East, has all of the brute force necessary to defend its borders from any future hostile attack."

From Geneva with Hope

"The more pressure on Sharon, the better. The Geneva Accord can serve as the catalyst for a groundswell in Israel that could sweep along many, and even force some politicians to begin to open their ears."