Nonviolence in the Abu Mazen era

"Are we Israelis a "civilized" occupier? Despite all the casualties we have inflicted in four years on Palestinian civilians and their property--yes. We are no worse than any other occupier. But the difference between Israel in the West Bank and Gaza and the British in India is that even those of us who oppose the settlements and seek to end the occupation, strongly believe that we are defending our homes and our families, which have been under intense and brutal attack, rather than some distant "jewel in the crown" of an empire."

The IMF and the Future of Iraq

"It is uncontroversial to argue that US policies and interests are widely reflected in the decisions taken and the statements made by the Iraqi interim authorities."

Raping the world with the dollar

"The rapid decline of the dollar is an indication that the world is getting wise to the fact that America’s chief export commodity is currency. America gets containers of goods and services and sends back containers loaded with newly minted hundred dollar bills."

Rumsfeld’s Muddy Quagmire

"If the president fired Rumsfeld, an American public that slumbered through the election might finally realize the true dismal state of the war. Instead, like a deer caught in the headlights, Bush naively and unwisely believes that by retaining the charismatic face of his Iraq policy, he can hide his and Rumsfeld’s failure long enough to figure out what to do. Instead, he should fire Rumsfeld and hire someone who can begin to extricate the United States from this muddy quagmire."

Urban Jungle: Vancouver’s Safe Injection Site

"The fundamental question of why it took ten years to open up a safe injection sife as the front end of a comprehensive continuum of care which health experts advocated and the Cain Report recommended needs to have a full public airing."

America’s Imperial Wizard Visits Canada

"Bush deliberately brought up a subject that members of Canada's government had every reason to believe would not be brought up on his visit. So much for courtesy and thanks. Bush brought up his addled anti-missile defense scheme and embarrassed the government by speaking publicly about it."

The Rand Report and The Invisible Man

"The shape of the current Crusade may be different, but the goal is the same: conquering territories, controlling resources and undermining the culture and the religious self identity of the indigenous population, the "others" who need fixing."

A Day in the Park

"Despite the actions of nineteen terrorists and those who set them on their evil mission and despite the hateful ranting of anti-Muslims bigots who preyed off the fear created by 9/11, no one panicked and no one expressed hostility. In fact no one even appeared to notice."

Anglo-American "democratic imperialism" and 0.9 billion infant deaths

"The British, in addition to their invasive contributions in South America, Africa, Central Asia, East Asia, South East Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East, left the South Asian subcontinent crippled by colonialism and helped impose a further burden of militarization, economic exclusion, debt and war. The total post-1950 under-5 infant mortality in South Asia has been 281.5 million."

Paucity to Prosperity

"Fast denuding foreign exchange reserves—explicitly—in the face of sky-rocketing prices of oil in the international market and slump in domestic agriculture are reflective of the fact that we still have to work hard to sustain the growth and improvement in our economy."

The real elections

"By nature, presidential elections focus on general and national issues, rather than local and life-related issues."

Islam: A Message of Peace or War?

"The legitimacy of international ‘laws’ is false; it is propaganda tool employed by the powerful states to subjugate the weak."

The 9/11 Catastrophe – A Dereliction of Duty by Our Commander-in-Chief

"The President's attitude on cooperation with the 9-11 Commission was just the opposite of what it should have been. As Commander-in-Chief, he should have worked with the Commission to get at the heart of the problem, with the idea of preventing future attacks. Instead, for a year, the White House resisted the investigative Commission and then stonewalled it for another year."

Congress, Bush-Cheney Gang & the "Shadow Government"

"Only Congress has the Constitutional power to declare war against Iraq. Nevertheless, the Bush-Cheney Gang began it based on a mountain lies, many of which were written into JHR 114, which was passed on Oct. 10, 2002, by the Congress, thanks mainly to Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and the Neocon War Hawks. Has our Republic been usurped by a “Shadow Government?” If so, what are you going to do about it?"


What’s in a Name: Strategic Communication or Deception?

" is clear that the Pentagon is actually more concerned about muzzling or managing negative images of America abroad, especially amongst Muslims, than modifying its approach to preemption and unilateralism for global hegemony."

Media in the Winter of Our "Disremorse"

"Many millions of Americans would tell a suitably inquiring journalist that they don’t really regret John Kerry’s loss -- that what they find horrific is the new four-year lease on the White House for an administration with an unrepentant track record of mendacity and extreme ideological zeal."

How the Jury System Should be Reformed

"Having an impartial jury reach a just verdict along with making sure an innocent person is never convicted should be the ultimate goal of our criminal justice system."

The making of a Muslim Holocaust

"This Muslim holocaust has been in the making for a long time. Its roots go back to the Russian occupation of Central Asian lands that were taken from the Ottomans; its more recent and better-documented chapters start with the arrival of Western armies in Muslim heartlands."

Little will change

"Unlike Reagan, Bush has defined his enemy in singular terms that dictate no other resolution except conflict."

Jewish Leadership Opens a New Front against Muslims

"Muslims should highlight the poison that is spread all over the world by anti-Christian and anti-Muslim Jewish leadership and Jewish media."