Hajj – A Revolutionary Paradigm

"It is the experience of Hajj that tears down these divisions of wealth, power, social status and race, merging the masses in a collective, unified throng of humanity."

Heavy internal challenges

"It is almost inconceivable that PM Sharon's new disengagement coalition would even consider such an option. For the sake of the future of Israeli state sovereignty, the state must be prepared to use absolute force against those who would themselves oppose legitimate state decisions by force."

Legacy of Violence

"Yesterday we cringed as our cruel enslavers ravished our women, broke the backs of our men and treated our beloved children as worthless creatures fit only to work like donkeys in the endless sun scorched fields. But today in virtually every metropolis, every town or hamlet in America, there are Black men who are the rapists of Black women, the assaulters and murderers of Black men and, yes, even the molesters and killers of Black children."

Pipes, Polls and Paranoia

"...rather than shedding crocodile tears for Muslim Americans’ image, Daniel and his ilk should examine at their own culpability and work towards improving the image of Bush and America around the world."

Who was behind the Indian Ocean Tsunami Catastrophe — God or...

"...the World Bank has the most potential funding to support the installation of EWSs but is not interested. Its mandate is apparently to fit the agendas of affluent developed countries; it is looking for a quick buck, not better ways of saving human lives."

America’s New Civilizing Mission

"The American response to 9-11 – including the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the planting of military bases all over the Islamicate world, and plans for attacking Iran – provides fuel to the campaign by al-Qaida and its affiliates to energize the Islamicate world to recapture its historical autonomy."

Cultural and commercial influences on the free press

"Most US-based news organizations like to claim objectivity as their trademark, from Fox News' claims to be "fair and balanced" to the New York Times boasting that it covers "All the news that's fit to print." While critics from both the right and the left argue that these networks and newspapers report the news with either a liberal or conservative slant, in fact, the forces that shape bias in media coverage run deeper and are more complex. Cultural, commercial and political influences have a profound impact on editorial decisions made by media outlets, as well as on the content of the information they dispense."

Spanish government attempts to end the ‘shadow society’

"Spanish government has opted for a fair solution in its country. When American leadership will follow this positive act, no body knows."

U.S. Foreign Policy: Question All Assumptions

"The most notable assumption is that if the U.S. government (USG) does not dominate the globe militarily and ensure security through wanton armed interventions, the world will fall apart. Yet the USG did not even exist for the vast majority of recorded history and the world got along just fine using what scholars call a “balance of power” among great powers."

Abu-Ghraib Trial: A Means to Legitimize the Real War Crimes

"If the trial of Charles Garner was meant to show the world that the US is addressing injustice then surely the right thing would have been to do, is to hand over the soldiers to the Iraqis. And let the Iraqis decide the fate of those soldiers in accordance to their laws and values, since the crime was committed on their soil. Had the situation been reverse this is exactly what the US would have demanded."

The "J" word is missing from Canadian Editorials about Abbas

"Palestinians who voted for Abbas did so in the belief that he can end the Israeli occupation, beginning with the removal of military checkpoints (more than 700 of them at last count); the freeing of political prisoners; removing the threat of wholesale killing of Palestinians by Israel; ending the construction of illegal Jewish settlements; and pulling down the infamous West Bank "Security Wall."


From Axis of Evil to Exit Door for Weasels

"One can speculate endlessly about what really motivated George Bush and his neocon Praetorian guards to go to war. Was their goal to convert the Middle East into a walking mat for Sharon and easy pickings for Halliburton? Did they set out to appease Bin Laden by lifting sanctions and dismantling the bases in Saudi Arabia?"

Egypt still preferring to serve US instead of exercising its power

"The fact that about a thousand people were able to gather in public, shouting and carrying stickers reading “No to another term for Mubarak” and “No to his son succeeding him”, demonstrates how mistaken he is to believe that the US can maintain him in power with any assurance, or help his son to succeed him."

The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

"According to the 21st edition of the Urban League Report on the State of Black America, one out of three Blacks live in poverty, a rate three times that of Whites. And although Black Americans make up approximately 15 percent of America’s total population, they constitute 40 percent of those living in poverty."

Who Envies Abu-Mazen?

"George Bush is a simple fellow. He likes some people and hates others, and this decides the policy of the greatest power on earth. He likes Ariel Sharon and fawns on him. Since he has never been in battle, he admires the combat-rich Israeli general. Sharon personifies for him the American myth – the annihilation of the Indians and the conquest of the territories. Arafat, on the other hand, reminded him of an Indian chief, whose language is unintelligible and whose ploys are satanic."

Hajj: The Zalimun and Throwing of Pebbles

"Today's battles are different, for today's evildoers have seduced the world through propaganda, lies, deceit, and brute force, into believing that they alone represent all that is good. Wolves in sheep's clothing are much dangerous than obvious foes, because so much of their work can be done quietly, unnoticed and unchecked."


Humiliating EU deal offers little to Turkey

"...while the French and the Austrians, as well as others, are virtually certain to block Turkish membership, they are not at all hostile to the prospect of, say, Romania or Bulgaria joining, although, as Ankara points out, these countries are even poorer than Turkey. Their accession talks are in full swing, and they are not subject to humiliating or obstructive objections or conditions."

The First challenge facing Abu Mazen is a ceasefire – What...

"...Israel and the US expect Abu Mazen to organize the ranks of the Palestinian security services and work on stopping military action before an exchange of opinions can take place regarding the return to negotiations to implement the roadmap."

The real warlords of the modern, West-dominated world

"Voices of dissent are now beginning to emerge even from the inner sancta of the establishment, not because they question the war’s legality or morality but because of its escalating costs."

Far from Media Spotlights, the Shadows of "Losers"

"When personal dreams of success or even equilibrium sink below horizons, the same media outlets that laud the successful have little use for those defined by the system as abject failures. For mainstream media, the plentiful underachievers are customarily the rough equivalent of flotsam and jetsam."