Dear Brother Jesus:
May God’s peace and blessings be upon you.
While you walked on Planet Earth you communicated – as I did – God’s message, to "worship sincerely your Lord God Almighty, Who created you and those who came before you, so that you may become righteous." But today, your followers worship you as God’s "only begotten Son."
Did you ask people to believe that you, the Holy Spirit and your mother Mary are all gods? I know you did not. You told people – as the One God commanded us — "to worship God, Who is my Lord and your Lord."
Dear Brother Jesus:
Your followers believe that God abandoned you and allowed your enemies to kill you on the cross. But we know that God saved you and took you to heaven. I pray that your followers will read the Qur’an, which is also their book. For we know that all of God’s books are in reality but One Book, the Book of all God’s Messengers and Prophets.
My followers love you as dearly as they love me. And they love your mother Mary, for she was the only woman ever chosen by God to be a virgin mother.
Dear Brother Jesus:
My followers believe in the miracles you performed, as reported in the Qur’an; miracles that were witnessed from the time you were a baby and all through your mission. You and I both know that your miracles were performed entirely through the infinite power of our Almighty Creator.
My followers believe that you were a perfect being, but fully human nevertheless. I spent many years warning people not to worship me and telling them that God alone is worthy of worship, for He is the One God, Perfect, Absolute and Infinite.
Dear Brother Jesus:
Here on Planet Earth people still kill innocent men, women and children in your name, modeling themselves after the medieval Crusaders. There are also those who, in the cause of Christian Zionism, spread hate, oppression and injustice in your name. I fervently hope they would read and follow your message — sooner rather than later — and find true peace in their hearts.
Dear Brother Jesus:
Some of your followers smear my message, slander my name and propagate hate against my Muslim brothers and sisters. I pray that they will find enlightenment and spiritual guidance. You and I were used to these kinds of people, but we never stopped praying for them.
Dear Brother Jesus:
We know that only a very few of your teachings survived in your mother tongue down through the ages. But over time some people of the early Church claimed to have had special communication, in which you told them you are the Son of God. But I wish they had heard the Truth instead and that their present-day successors will discover it.
Dear Brother Jesus:
On Planet Earth, there are people (the Jews) still waiting for you, a Messiah, to come as a guide and Saviour. There others who believe you never existed at all. And there are yet others who would sooner follow the dictates of a hierarchical religious establishment called The Church, rather than accept your teachings. Both of us must pray for them all.
Dear Brother Jesus:
My true followers and your true followers must first love God more than anyone or anything else; only then they will know how to love us and love one another.
My true followers and your true followers must come to know that we preached the same message, from the same Source, and that we had but one divine Book. The message was that of the Almighty God; we were only His human messengers.
Dear Brother Jesus:
My true followers and your true followers must work together for peace and justice. They must know that the One God will guide them to the Truth and will welcome them to His Paradise.
They must support the poor, the oppressed, the elderly, the young, all who are weak or defenseless. They must understand that although life on Planet Earth can be abundant and good, it is also too short to waste through greed, enmity and apathy. They must be fully engaged in living as workers for God.
My true followers and your true followers are many, but they have also become a vast silent majority. They must learn to speak out for the truth; only then will God’s peace prevail.
Dear Brother Jesus:
Let us pray for all fellow humans and let us ask God Almighty to guide and bless them. Amen.