Holocaust in Iraq 41: It is possible that, like German fascist leaders of Nazi Germany, American/British Coalition Leadership may actually believe or “justify” in their own minds what they are doing. In criminology, criminals guilty of heinous crimes often appear to truly believe their own excuses for committing those crimes. Nazi war criminals, most notably their leadership, always maintained they believed in what they were doing. They confirm what those who study criminal behavior, such as myself, have theorized, that man’s ability to make excuses is only excelled by his ability to believe those excuses. Whether it is combined with pride, arrogance, and/or an involuntary self-defense mechanism, ask any faction in Africa guilty of genocide and every one of them will convince you they had a divine duty and were chosen to commit mass murder to save humanity and every single one them believes it. These are the existing conditions and the reasons why the U.N. and the International Criminal Court must respond quickly to end the holocaust in Iraq.
Holocaust in Iraq 42 “Our British and American “Presidents” and “Prime Ministers are using the same fascism that caused the holocaust in WWII. They are using this fascism against, not only Iraqis, but also against you and me, Americans and British people”: The crimes of the 1930s and 40s German government and its ‘war machine’were made possible only within the framework of Fascism. Now, it is the same with the U.S. and British governments and their coalition ‘war machine’ that has made possible a highly effective, and without effective opposition, a war in Iraq, which could only be possible within the framework of strict dictatorial fascism. This explains the heavy handed policing policy used against ordinary citizens over the past 30 years priming citizens for dictatorial like ‘social controls’, suppression of protesting (making protests ineffective and useless), news company alliance complicity, and removal of soldiers’ rights (forced to fight in even unlawful deployments by the British and U.S. governments in Iraq and the middle-east).
Holocaust in Iraq 43 “1930s and 1940s German government propaganda ministry inventions”: The strategy of using beautiful sounding euphemisms such as the word ‘intelligence’,”Patriot Act”, “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, and ‘Home Security” are also copied directly from 1930s and 40s German government propaganda ministry attempts to mask state sanctioned crimes against its citizens, including removal of civil rights, human rights violations, ultimately leading to crimes against humanity.
Holocaust in Iraq 44 “Money talks”: Growing in size and financial power as well as increasing intelligence (martial law, increased police power, more weapons purchasing), submersed in artificial tranquility created by media and the news company coalition, helps prevent Britain and the U.S. from being answerable and so the war crimes continue. Offering billions of dollars in aid to countries that do business and keep quiet about war crimes by the British and American Coalition.
Holocaust in Iraq 45 “tangled web”: In a future, International War Crimes Tribunal and trials regarding the Iraq holocaust, excuses like “collateral damage”,”War is hell (so to hell with civilians)”,"I was merely following orders" as well as the U.S. and British claim that Iraqis, like Native North American Indians, "originated from the depths of hell and were born from their mother’s womb with an evil desire to hate and attack the U.S.A. and ‘U.S. style democracy.’"will not be admissible in court. Tragically, even if there is a war crimes trial, as in 1945, very few war criminals would be prosecuted. With almost no chance of prosecution, the number of deaths caused by coalition forces in Iraq increases. Blair/Bush Coalition Leadership is “legally” above the law.
Holocaust in Iraq 46: The good Iraqi people are mothers and fathers fighting to protect themselves, their families, their private and public property, their country, their homes, their culture and way of life including their religion from a hostile invasion, hostile foreign domination, massive destruction, reckless use of U.S. and British coalition weapons and holocaust against their people.
Holocaust in Iraq 47: In this age of unlimited avenues to peaceful resolution of conflicts through peaceful negotiation and in a world of countless alternatives and the creative genius of a generation with the highest level of education in history, there are absolutely no excuses and no reasons to accept primitive and bloody mass murder of innocent civilians as a viable and civilized solution to any problem.
Holocaust in Iraq 48: Continuous hostile and cruel treatment of Iraqis because of their religious and governmental beliefs.
Holocaust in Iraq 49: The U.S. and Britain being two countries with the highest standard of living for its citizens and blessed with the most advanced high-tech defensive weapons and armies in the world they have no right to abuse that blessing. God blessed our countries, but what did we do with those blessings? We used them to stone our Iraqi brothers and sisters to death for Iraq’s riches.
Holocaust in Iraq 50: The Iraq Holocaust is not an unplanned accident or some form of manifest destiny. It was planned, complete with fascist Nationalist Socialist methods of the 1930s and 40s, centralized political power, increase in police power and activity, suppression of protesting, reinforcing of separation of church (morals, ethics) and state, news company alliance propaganda, strong non-questioning and obedient military capable of discipline even in unlawful deployment, and laws changed in such a way that police, military police, and soldier action to maintain martial law, suppress all forms of opposition, and support the Iraqi Crude War (War in Iraq after April 2003) are not subject to courts of law. This allows government and police to violate basic human rights, civil rights principles, free to commit crimes against humanity in Iraq, free from international and domestic protests, free from real judicial oversight and review.
Holocaust in Iraq 51: We forgot the Jewish Holocaust and broke our promise to prevent those crimes against humanity from ever happening again. 16,000,30,000,100,000 (?) dead Iraqis, in addition to over a thousand coalition forces soldiers fighting and dying for oil so far, and when will it end? Will the last Iraqi to die defending his country shout "Long live freedom" as Hans Scholl did in 1943 Germany just before he was murdered for simply protesting? The U.S. government has already threatened many peaceful peace protesters with arrest. What crime is next by a government that claims to be the zenith of the representation and people power of Greek and Roman government model? Rejecting all intellectual initiatives and discussion, the Bush/Blair Coalition believes that conquest is the most profitable solution to their problems. Like passengers on the sinking ship, intellectuals, academics, educators, philosophers, historians, doctors, diplomats, all can do nothing but watch as British/U.S. Coalition Leadership, behaving, not like the leaders of the most advanced civilizations on earth, but instead acting like the lowest forms of backward dregs and scum with the unexcusable, simple-minded stone-age massacre of Iraqis. Despite all our knowledge about the holocaust, we the educated, are trapped in a cage like slaves watching our Presidents and Prime ministers behave like vicious animals hording, pilfering, unrestrained, unchecked, above domestic and international laws. All good people can do is wait for future history books to condemn us all for doing nothing. You and I, British and Americans alike, will be condemned. We will all be condemned, not just for what we did, but also for what we could have done but did not do. Unlike animals, we have no excuses.
Holocaust in Iraq 52: Use of coalition military leaders, commanders and officers who, although obedient and easily manipulated, do not have limitations of morals and ethics, are often borderline criminals, criminal, or juvenile delinquent in nature, have violent tendencies, or have no knowledge of ‘right and wrong.’ Their crimes and abuses only stopped by accidental video evidence. Without video evidence all crimes would continue. Their negligent and irresponsible commanders are always above the law and exempt from prosecution. Use of military officers who are willing to force soldiers to deploy and engage the enemy in situations that are unlawful and violate human rights. This is enforced by their willingness to use bullying, humiliation, punishments, charges of desertion, fines, threat of arrest, threat of court-martial, imprisonment, character assassination by labeling as cowardice, unpatriotic, etc. against their own fellow soldiers all with government sanctioned impunity. They “legally” break the law.
Holocaust in Iraq 53: Abandoning the search for the 9/11 terrorist bin Laden, U.S. led coalition forces forgot their mission and betrayed the American people and being guilty of dereliction of duty, and abandoning their duty when, after the end of the Saddam Hussein regime in April 2003, they created a new agenda having nothing to do with bin Laden or 9/11, at the cost of many innocent soldier and civilian lives.
Holocaust in Iraq 54: The U.S. Led Coalition provokes violence and directly causes crime by using big dark black sunglasses, sad faces, disrespectful tone of voice, black military style uniforms, combative attitude, provocative words, shouting profanity, provoking confrontation, wearing masks, showing their big guns, creating the constant threat of arrest, threat of shooting, schoolyard bully behavior, and the looking down on Iraq people. Like children itching to use their toys, police and Federal agents point their toys, that is, their military assault riffles, shotguns, gas guns and tear gas, pepper spray, stun guns, rubber bullets, action movie pistols, against non-violent, unarmed, civilians and good people protesting against injustice. Like juvenile delinquents in a schoolyard they cause serious physical and emotional anxiety and distress in good people. Also like childish juvenile delinquents in a schoolyard, police and FBI agents are protected by the court system from prosecution. Police and FBI agents have an easy job. The only thing they have to do is harass good people, docile people, peaceful people fighting for justice, civil rights, and human rights. These people never fight back yet these are the primary targets of police and military police action. They directly cause normally good people to become bad. Our natural instincts of preservation, self-protection, and self-defense are not directed at criminals, as they should, instead they are directed at police, FBI, military police and other government entities that use force and violence to solve problems they created. Unlike British and American citizens, you cannot provoke retaliation form proud Iraqi people and their culture by police brutality and disrespect and verbal abuse. This is exactly what coalition forces are doing in Iraq. Coalition soldiers, acting as policemen or FBI agents, have been providing the catalyst that cause a rise in guerilla warfare, hate crimes, sabotage and not having a voice nor a unified regiment, combine to create and encourage "terrorism" and generate hatred of the west – all courtesy of fascist “U.S. style democracy”, which has decided, without asking the American or British people, that peace and diplomacy are obsolete.
Holocaust in Iraq 55: In the U.S. style of democracy, citizens cannot stop their leaders from injuring and killing innocent children and bystanders. The American people themselves have zero influence and are not a threat to U.S. government leadership because the American people do not have a voice or a vote in the matter, or any other matter. The American people, other than voting for presidents who are already pre-chosen by the government, are absolutely and totally helpless and powerless.
Holocaust in Iraq 56: If citizens have no say or influence in their government’s actions then a democracy is useless.
Holocaust in Iraq 57: U.S. government/News Services play a game in which they determine how far they can push the American people without being answerable to, or ruled by the will of the American people. Again, they “legally” break the law. Amazingly, they are able to withstand international protests as well.
Holocaust in Iraq 58: George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, Tony Blair all have one ugly personality trait in common. They all can fully justify killing innocent children and civilians and mass murder. That is the "freedom" they have and nobody, no protestor, no letter writer, no citizen, no election, no signature campaign, no poll, no job rating, no rally with masses of people, no march, and no picketing can stop them.
Holocaust in Iraq 59: U.S. style democracy is not the answer in Iraq, democracy is. U.S. style democracy is not the answer in Iraq because Iraq people want freedom, respect and representation –” not U.S. led coalition police brutality.
Holocaust in Iraq 60: Our continued disrespect for mid-east cultures provoked the criminal element in that society. In every society there are criminals. By the reckless use of force and resulting disrespect for other cultures, the U.S. and British governments gave excuses to those few criminal elements in mid-east society to commit mass murder for a “cause,”which is only an excuse, but a “cause” nevertheless, hence, the U.S. and British governments have grown "terrorist." The U.S. Led Coalition requires terrorist and terrorism (exceptions to the rule) because without terrorist, there would be no total Bush/Blair Coalition oil profits.
Holocaust in Iraq 61: Taming of unrest was accomplished by Nationalist Socialist militia, originally formed in Germany in 1921, and taking various forms as time went on. In a test to see how far they could push (abuse) the average German citizen just short of rebellion, militia, police, or various government entities often were the “trigger” that caused normally good people to become criminal. The term “trigger” refers to a catalyst that brings a person across the line from rational to irrational. It can be a government agency, police system employees, or any local or national government situation where people have some power over others. The chance to play God is irresistible to most people put into any position of authority. Their targets are usually complete strangers that come off the street for assistance. These “targets” are members of the community who often have their own pressures and problems in their personal life to deal with when they come, to their misfortune, needing the assistance of those in a position of power as mentioned above. German government employees compounded their problems driving many over the line between rational and irrational behavior. The German government was aware of these facts, encouraged it, and took advantage of them to expand “social control” where no social control was needed.
Holocaust in Iraq 62: During 1930s and 40s Germany, every contact and every interaction with law enforcement was a hostile event, even in the most trivial of circumstances. This hostility was created through a constant threat of arrest making it impossible for individuals to defend themselves. Therefore, the victim of verbal abuse usually went home filled with anger because of the verbal abuse. Once home, the victim took his or her frustration and rage out on family members, including their spouse, children, even neighbors and friends (often physically or emotionally abusing spouse and/or children). Compounded by the German love of beer these situations could escalate. Like alcohol and homosexuality, this weakens the family structure and society overall making it more subservient, thus giving the government more power of control. Not having a strong family support system, forces family members to go outside the family for guidance and leadership. The abuse is government mandated and the government worker or police who caused these crimes usually went to the next person and did the same thing again. German leadership, at the time, had nothing to loose and everything to gain.
Holocaust in Iraq 63: Bush, Blair, Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, terrorists all planned and knew what they were going to do. They already know what they could get away with. They already knew how much they could get away with and still not be stopped by the will of the people. They already knew how much they could get away with and still not be stopped by the will of international opinion. They have determined exactly how much power they have. They have determined exactly how much and how far they can push American people, British people, the Iraqi people, and the international community without being answerable. They have determined exactly how much and how far they can push citizens of other countries around the world without being answerable to international laws. Leadership in the U.S. and Britain are answerable to nobody. So, the killing of innocent Iraq people for profit continues.
Holocaust in Iraq 64: The news company coalition, on behalf of the British and U.S. governments created a system in which only one person (or only a few) would be blamed for major offences, major violations of international law, and crimes against humanity in the event of prosecution. For example, as president and prime minister, Bush and Blair are only a very small part of a much bigger collaboration problem involving many people within the British/American Coalition. In the event of prosecution by International War Crimes Court, only a few people would be punished. Again, they “legally” break the law. Example: The British/American Coaltion “coup d’etat” attempt in oil rich Equatorial Guinea to replace that dictatorship with a U.S./British coalition puppet government like OPEC Nigeria. All blamed on one “scapegoat,’ that is, a single person, business executive Mark Thatcher. Thus deflecting the quilt away from the huge U.S. and British Government Coalition network of investors, oil company executives (such as ExxonMobil, TotalFinaElf, etc.), news company news services, and government infrastructure leadership, both civil and military who all conspired and would benefit from such a “coup.” Note: The coup attempt was in spite of the fact that the two neighboring countries and their government leaders Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea and Obasanjo of Nigeria have partnership agreements covering oil fields, oil processing, transportation, and marketing. Successful diplomacy and sharing is not enough to the massive Bush/Blair Coalition because they want total control and total oil profits, by force, all for themselves, as we are seeing in Iraq.
Holocaust in Iraq 65: Bush and Blair must fear their own ‘Bush/Blair Coalition Leadership’ because once those invisible coalition business leaders, investors, financiers, and other non-elected political leaders who are the real power and brains behind the Blair/Bush coalition, get what they want they will dump Blair and Bush faster than Nixon was dumped. They will use Blair and Bush as “scapegoats” offering them up for sacrifice to the American and British people and the world to quell the masses and quiet the massive domestic and international protests that are against the Iraqi Crude War worldwide. Afterwards, being invisible, above the law, out of sight, hidden from public view, U.S./British Coalition Leadership will reap the full rewards of the Iraq war being exempt from responsibility for the murder and mass murder of the Iraqi people in the Iraqi Crude War. They will retain financial, military, and political control over Iraq, while Tony Blair and George W. Bush are left to ‘take the fall’ through the International War Crimes court system. Covertly, Coalition Leadership will then plan their next crimes against humanity for economic control of another region, culture or country and they will laugh all the way to the bank. In the end, only corporation executives win. Even if you impeach both George W. Bush and Tony Blair, the power structure and leadership of the U.S/British Coalition will still remain intact.
Holocaust in Iraq 66: If there is no oil, then there would be no war, and no civilian deaths in Iraq. Oil can be a blessing and a curse. Like a father who has a beautiful daughter, while blessed, he is at the same time cursed. He knows that there is a much greater chance of her being raped or married to someone emotionally and physically abusive. The British/American Coalition took advantage of Iraqis and has been raping Iraq and physically abusing its people far beyond what is humanly tolerable.
Holocaust in Iraq 67: Already knowing the answer, the news media coalition asks distracting questions like “does oil factor into the Iraq equation?” Example answer: Solve for Y if X + Y = Z, where X = oil executives and Z = holocaust. Answer: Y = oil.
Holocaust in Iraq 68: Joy at ending Saddam Hussein’s murderous regime in April 2003 has faded because of dead Iraqi civilians including Iraqi children.
Holocaust in Iraq 69: Saddam Hussein and bin Ladin 9/11 terrorists are the enemy, not the freed Iraq People. We have been creating new enemies and new terrorist.
Holocaust in Iraq 70: There is nothing holy or good about laws in themselves, especially without good people enforcing them in a just, moral, fair, and respectful way. Both good kings and criminal fascist leaders create laws. In fact, a truly good king does what is right even if there are no laws telling him to do so. Both constitutional monarchies and dictatorships have laws in their societies. This does not make them both good and holy. Blair and Bush Coalition leadership knew that the law would eventually judge them so they changed the laws. Law is not right until it does right (right in terms of right and wrong). Likewise, democracy is not good and fair unless the people make it good and fair.
Holocaust in Iraq 71: As part of the evolution of fascism by further ‘separation of Church (morals, ethics) and state, academics in the U.S. frequently stated that perhaps ‘right and wrong’ is only a matter of opinion. In reality, the most important truths regarding ‘right and wrong’ are not a matter of opinion because there are certain universal truths and universal rights and wrongs. Mass murder of civilians is never justified whether you are a terrorist, a congressman or a congresswoman in a U.S. style “democracy.” Nazi Leadership of the 1930sand 1940s rejected the idea of God. That is, Nazi Leadership rejected the God of the Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Why? Because God condemns killing. The only way to allow for certain “justified” killings including mass murder was to eliminate religion, more precisely, ‘separation of church (God) and state.’
Holocaust in Iraq 72: The mass murderer Charles Manson had an ability to manipulate other people. He manipulated his three bald girlfriends to commit murder and attempted murder even while he was incarcerated. The only difference between this mass murderer and today’s politically powerful mass murderers is that Charles Manson, a solipsist, only manipulated a few bald girls. In contrast, but also careless and without compassion for human life, Saddam Hussein, Bush, bin Laden, Blair, the late Arafat, and Sharon, etc. all have much more powerful ‘partners-in-crime’ including, but not limited to, billions of dollars in pay-off bail-out money, large corporate financiers and investors, news company propaganda complicity, huge military and police infrastructures, etc. If Manson had these ‘benefits’ instead of the three bald girls, you then would have had a very powerful and dangerous criminally insane psychopathic leader. Like ‘a fox guarding the chickens’ Manson would shout, “I’m going to save the world from repressive regimes.” He then would have gone down in history as “Manson the Great.” And, like Alexander the Great, would have contributed absolutely nothing to this world except suffering and death. We became such mass murdering leaders when we crossed the line from ‘defenders of freedom’ to mass murderers of innocent Iraqi people for massive Iraqi oil industry profits.
Holocaust in Iraq 73 It is the laws in the “U.S. democracy” that have destroyed real democracy in the U.S: Laws took away independence, diplomacy, peaceful resolution, civil rights, human rights, representation, respect for cultural differences, ‘rule by the people’ from the American people. There are laws for citizens and there are different laws for leadership. The blood bath of innocent civilians, killed unnecessarily by the reckless use of U.S. led coalition weapons since April 2003, has been strangely justified by "the Law." U.S. and British laws say that those charged with enforcing the law can break the law ‘at home and abroad.’
Holocaust in Iraq 74: After the April 2003 destruction of the Saddam Hussein regime, the U.S. did not achieve stabilization for two reasons. First, because it did not give the "Freed Iraqi People" arbitration, representation, independence, self-determination or population based division of spoils and authority." Secondly, stabilization was not achieved because the U.S. and Britain did not want stabilization. Instead, they wanted full control of Iraq’s massive oil industry. The delayed capture of bin Laden has given artificial justification for staying in Iraq until full domination of Iraq’s economy has been obtained. We are asked to believe that the combined efforts of the CIA, FBI, Interpol, New Scotland Yard, the NSA, USSS, etc. after all this time, are unable to find bin Laden. Just as in Aceh and East-Timor, forced into the light because of the earthquake/tsunami, Bush and Blair Coalition Forces Leadership in Iraq forgot their duty and responsibilities, and, are profiteering in Iraqi instead.
Holocaust in Iraq 75: Building a ‘master and slave’ relationship, Britain and the U.S. simply said to Iraqis, "We know this is your country. We are taking it. Do what we tell you to do or we will arrest you and treat you as criminals." Then, to the shock of the British and U.S. governments, the Iraqi people fought back to defend themselves and their country. British and Americans people are proud and fight for their country to the death, but the British and U.S. governments say it is not all right for others to do the same for their country. Already sickened by the British colonialism, imperialism and protectionism, Patrick Henry would also be sickened by today’s U.S. government double standards permitting freedom, independence, self-rule for themselves but not for others. A fascist state unifies and disciplines the entire nation, but allows a slight margin of “freedom” to give the individual just enough incentive and purchasing power. Thus maintaining fascist National Socialist control while allowing the flow of consumer dollars to continue and the illusion of freedom.
Holocaust in Iraq 76: Unjustified Wars continue because only good people are against it, and good people are easily controlled. Good hard working people, too busy trying to support themselves and their families, are easily manipulated by the media, and easily excited by violently psychotic, power hungry government entities and business establishments that take advantage of circumstances such as extreme poverty or our disgust and horror of 9/11 to rise to leadership positions. Good people do not have the time or ability to sift through the propaganda or separate truth from fiction. Another reason the Iraq holocaust has occurred unopposed.
Holocaust in Iraq 77: After April 2003, the Blair/Bush coalition propaganda machine blatantly lied to the British and American people when they said we were fighting to free the Iraqi people from the mass murderer Saddam Hussein. Above the law and for financial gain, U.S. and Britain commit blatant false statements and deliberately give false reports and evidence, while under oath to serve the British and American people. War hungry military leaders in the British and U.S. governments don’t sit around fighting their conscience trying to determine if they are morally right or not. Instead they determine how they can make new laws and use news services to legalize and legitimize their actions wrong or right, good or bad, and get away with it.
Holocaust in Iraq 78: There was no cheering from the U.S. and British governments when Saddam Hussein was found in December 2003. The news media restrained from any tendency to celebrate in agreement with the U.S. and British governments policy that the people must believe the war should continue. Celebrating Saddam Hussein’s capture would mean that the war was over, and would also mean that British and American forces would have to pull out of Iraq before total control of the Iraq’s economy and Iraq’s oil industry was fully obtained. In addition to trivializing the capture of Saddam Hussein, and under orders, the news services made an immediate switch to the artificial WMD excuse and the unrelated fact that bin Laden had not been captured yet. This despite the fact that bin Laden has absolutely nothing to do with Iraq and no relation to Iraq. If the mass murderer bin Laden did contribute finances or weapons to Iraqi fighters later in the war, and that is a big ‘if’, it was because the U.S./British Coalition opened the door by using terrorism and weapons of mass destruction against innocent Iraqi people in its conquest of Iraq.
Holocaust in Iraq 79: ‘modified colonialism’ in that a friendly government is installed, following controlled “free” elections of pre-chosen candidates, and agreements that new leadership must comply with British/U.S. foreign policy without question, and must adhere to U.S./British favorable economic policies and “reforms.” For example: Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Indonesia, etc. These crimes are always against weaker people and weaker nations.
Holocaust in Iraq 80: Al Sader was never an enemy or a problem until U.S. Led Coalition News services decided to make him an enemy. Al Sader was never an enemy or a problem until U.S. Led Coalition military police forces provoked him into defending himself, his people, and his culture. Al Sader, like Acenese and East-Timorese people, "simply got in the way" of business and oil executives plans and had to be “removed.” U.S. and British government and news media conspired to transform him into the devil, born of Satan, born from its mother to kill Americans and prevent democracy. Pequot Indians of North America were called "friends of hell" and "children of Satan" (so the general public would agree to kill them or accept their deaths and take their land, which they did). The Blair/Bush Coalition Leaders even suggesting or hinting at a Biblical connection between the eternal Biblical universal war between good and evil, between God and Satan, between “good Christians” and “bad Muslims” and the war in Iraq. In reality, and exactly as Cain attacked and killed Abel, it was the Blair/Bush coalition that attacked and killed Iraqis first, not the other way around. The British/American coalition drew first blood in this Iraq Crude War. Any “justifying” connection between the Holy Bible and our bloody massacre of Iraqi people has already been eliminated beyond any doubt. Fred C. Dobbs would be proud of coalition leadership.
Holocaust in Iraq 81: The British/American Coalition represents the failure of Christianity. Both Britain and the United States are described as Christian countries, however, this could not stop them from committing the ultimate crime of holocaust against the Iraqi people. In fact, the American President and the British Prime Minister are both Christian!!! Although they are only a very small part of the massive British/American Coalition, they have placed Christianity in a very dark and ugly light. Of course, as a result, to the Iraqi Muslims, Christianity is an extremely paranoid and violent religion, and they are correct from historical and logical perspectives. Coalition Leadership has defamed Christianity.
Holocaust in Iraq 82: The unnecessary and avoidable violence and atrocities perpetrated against the Iraqi people in Iraq has increased hatred and aggravated the already tense relationship between Jews and Muslims and between Arabs and the west.
Holocaust in Iraq 83 “Instilled de-sensitivity to violence in American. and British citizens”: Abortion, over the last 30 years, has been a two-fold blessing for the U.S. government. Not only did it get rid of those babies living on the fringe of society, often in marginal conditions, outside mainstream politics, it also provided the emotional and psychological effects of de-sensitizing the population to mass killing, especially reckless and unnecessary killing of innocent life. Combine this with a gradual tolerance for seeing woman combatants, woman soldiers, fairy tale princesses with swords in their hands, and woman being killed in movies and we have another parallel with the Germany of the 1930s and 40s and its induction of woman into the violent psychotic militarism of the fascist National Socialist German government. This was the part of the “necessary” foundation for action against the Iraqi people as the next step was the accepting of the killing of adult Iraqi victims who are rightfully defending themselves, their families, and their land, their culture, and their way of life from a hostile foreign conquering army.
Holocaust in Iraq 84 “hated and violence”: The monster we created as a result of abandoning respect and diplomacy and replacing it with military and police force many years ago and long before 9/11. We did not get love in return for our hate because people aren’t built that way. Does an election in Iraq or the U.S. change that? Has elections in the U.S. ever changed anything? In the U.S., candidates are pre-selected and pre-screened by unnamed and non-elected U.S. government entities to be sure the candidates all support the same domestic and foreign policies long before the actual elections. Over time, special interest groups have reduced those with representation to only an extremely small portion of the U.S. population. And those very few have their influence over government decisions compounded exponentially. Other candidates are eliminated by the press through simple ignoring of the story, brief mention or typical burying of the story, as well as reporting filled with condescension and belittling, character assassination, etc. The only crumb of democracy remaining in the U.S. is this extremely limited election system. The policy differences between the few candidates are so ridiculously trivial and the U.S. democratic elections so carefully ‘rigged’, it is both humorous and tragic at the same time. Once elected, any elected candidates already have ‘social controls’ pre-installed through fascist police type of methods long ago, a well structured and massive military, including high-tech weapons and a large manageable army, as well as the key to the whole system, a unified and complicit News Company Coalition ‘Propaganda Machine’. Joseph Goebbels would be proud. If you control the News Media and you control the Police/Military and you have the power to choose and pre-select the type of candidates qualified to, allowed to, enter an election, prior to an election, then you rule the country, admittedly, through dictatorship and fascism. Yes, the U.S. and Britain may have achieved their ill-gotten political and economic stability, but the price is much to high for American and British people and the Iraqi people who have paid the ultimate price for this insanity. U.S. or British style democracy or social democracy is only a front and facade for the fascist government system within. This is a government structure exactly modeled after 1930s and 1940s fascist National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy. This is not democracy. This is a dictatorship with just a dash of “freedom” to keep us spending.
Holocaust in Iraq 85 “The hell with heroes”: Heroes are belittled by the press because citizens are encouraged to look to government as their savior and God. Real life heroes who defend themselves, their families, their homes from criminals are belittled and their stories deleted, or worse, our heroes are arrested for defending themselves. Where are those that can save the Iraqi people? Where are those that can save those oppressed? Where are the allied forces of WWII? Where are the honorable U.S. and British Army soldiers of WWII and their heroic Infantry Divisions and Armored Divisions who liberated the Jews and other Holocaust victims from torture, starvation, and mass murder? We need them now, but they are long gone and we are now helpless. Sadly, even if Anne Frank herself came back to help and guide us, she would find every avenue to peace blocked and removed by the British/American Coalition dictatorial fascist systems of government.
Holocaust in Iraq 86: Most have never seen CNN, AP, BBC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, ABC and the many other news services report the death toll of civilians dying in Iraq. They make the information extremely difficult to find, bury it, or simply (and typically) don’t report the deaths as part of the propaganda guidelines enforced by the British/U.S. Coalition. To the British and American Coalition and its News Companies, dead civilians are non-entities, in fact, they are not even numbers in a death count. To Blair/Bush Coalition leadership, Iraq civilians, including children, are less than numbers, they don’t exist. Victims are out of sight and out of mind. Again, U.S./British Coalition Leadership “legally” breaks the law.
Holocaust in Iraq 87: The fascism of the National Socialist of the 1930s and 40s, and as in African dictatorships in recent years, and British/U.S. Fascism established over the last thirty years culminating in recent atrocities in Iraq and even places like Acehand East-Timor, all follow the same British and American laws, doctrines, and desires of fascist conquest. That is, no regard for human life, desire for power and control over other human beings, desire for economic power and power to make human beings do things they would not normally do, and desire for the power of life and death over others, low regard for the environment, and finally the ecstasy or climax of the actual killings. Whether the mass murder is of 6, 6,000 or 6 million, the leadership and psychological profiles of the perpetrators of heinous crimes are always the same.
Holocaust in Iraq 88: In the case of the U.S. led coalition, the "war" was already won when we toppled Saddam Hussein’s regime in April 2003. Why are international news services not permitted to say ‘the war was over when Saddam Hussein’s regime was toppled so now stop the war in Iraq and let’s begin to stop bin Laden’? Why was the bloody Iraq Crude War (war in Iraq after April 2003) allowed to occur and the resulting holocaust not prevented? Why did we forsake the 9/11 WTC victims and their families by abandoning our duty to capture bin Laden? Why have we completely abandoned diplomacy and peaceful resolution of disputes by replacing it with violence, more intelligence, weapons, police brutality, military force, hostile invasion and conquest. Sharing, Peaceful coexistence and fair economic trade policies are the only solutions to problems but there is never any mention of peace, diplomacy, or sharing in presidential debates, news services, magazines, television or other. There is zero talk of peace, not one word about intelligent diplomacy and absolutely all protests in support of peace are threatened by police threats of arrest. Strangely, peace protestors, who defend of human life, are labeled ‘Anti-American” and “Unpatriotic” in the media and public schools.
Holocaust in Iraq 89: British/U.S. Coalition Leadership conspired and ultimately carried out an aggressive Iraqi Crude War, committing war crimes and committing crimes against humanity especially after April 2003. Also directly responsible for the murders are many major news organizations and major businesses by their complicity, compliance, investment, written propaganda, mendacity, or inaction. In a war crimes trial they would be prosecuted and condemned for complicity and accessory to mass murder of Iraqi civilians.
Holocaust in Iraq 90 Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain controlled fascism (U.S. style “democracy”) and belligerent nationalism: Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain socioeconomic controls. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain forced expansion of U.S./Britain authority and forced territorial acquisition. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures, which do not accept U.S. and British racism against other cultures like Iraq. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain forced establishment of economic, business and political leadership dominance. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain suppression of protests and all opposition. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./Britain control over “democratic” elections using U.S./British government chosen candidates. Murder and mass murder of individuals and cultures that do not accept U.S./British forced totalitarian dictatorship government.
Holocaust in Iraq 91: The ultimate insult. As the ultimate insult and ‘stab in the back’ of Iraqi people and Jewish holocaust victims, at the very same time we are murdering Iraqis for oil in Iraq, the Blair/Bush News Company Coalition “honors” Auschwitz holocaust victims in one hand, while the other hand is covered in blood committing those same atrocities in Iraq.
Holocaust in Iraq 92: "Britain and the rest of the world have discovered that burying your head in the sand doesn’t work, and now each of them … is having to pay a heavy price for its ostrich policy." Anne Frank, May 1944
History will record.
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