We Got Fooled Again in Iraq by Our Own :: No, we are not forgetting the Jewish holocaust nor ignoring the Iraqi Holocaust :: (Part One)


Holocaust was resurrected in Iraq by British and U.S. dictatorial fascism. As in 1930s and 1940s Germany, the Jewish people screamed for help but the Fascist German government of the time prevented their screams from being heard through strict control over news companies and news services (also called the Propaganda Machine). The U.S. today commits this same crime against humanity by covering up and silencing protests against the U.S./British murder and mass murder of Iraqis in Iraq. The Regime of Saddam Hussein was ended in April 2003. The freed Iraqi people and the world then rejoiced – briefly. Criminally, in April 2003, the U.S. and British government leaders ordered coalition forces guns turned around and began shooting and murdering and mass murdering Iraqi people to take control of their Iraqi oil industry and country. The Iraqi Crude War from April 2003 through to the present time has resulted in a holocaust in Iraq. Not only the faces we see on the news reports such as Bush, Blair, Chaney, Powell, Rumsfeld but also all the other corporation executives, News company executives, and many other conspirators that conspired to take Iraqi by force. They must all must be condemned by International Criminal Court Tribunal and their crimes must be immediately stopped by U.N. forces to prevent British/American Coalition forces from committing more murders. The Iraqi people are screaming for help exactly as the Jewish people screamed for help in fascist Germany of WWII. The hour has come and our chance to make up, at least in part, for our failure to prevent ultimate crimes against humanity and the Jewish holocaust.

History will record:

Holocaust in Iraq 1: The holocaust is against the Iraqi people causing 16,000, 30,000, 100,000 (?) Iraqi civilians dead, and that is in addition to thousands of soldiers sacrificing their lives. Are we not too late? After failed domestic and international protests, you and I can do nothing but stay home and watch the death toll of civilian deaths rise. Why? We all were prevented from doing anything to stop it by our existing British and American governments, through fascism leading to the creation of the Blair/Bush Coalition. The U.S. and British governments established fascism within an extremely limited democracy, and not only fascism, but fascism in its purest and most effective form. U.S. style Democracy (Federal Republic) and British Social Democracy became the perfect incubators for fascism despite being adversaries and ‘polar extremes’ in textbooks.

Holocaust in Iraq 2: The U.S. and Britain have been preparing for fascism for at least 30 years by increased police pressure on ordinary citizens, desensitization to killing innocent children and civilians in other countries by public acceptance of abortion at ‘home’, ignoring or trivializing massacres (in Africa, East Timor, Srebrenica Yugoslavia, Aceh, etc. and even a few obscure members of the press admit nothing was done when there was a choice), massive military spending and build-up, and development of a large news company and media alliance propaganda machine, and then finally their utilization around the world including the middle-east and Iraq (most notably Iraq after April 2003). According to the authors of fascism, those who are proponents of a utopian world peace, pacifism, and docility are deeply cowardice, against the divine struggle of national superiority, and not willing to make sacrifices for the fatherland. To the authors of fascism, war alone inspires the satisfying high level of human tension and “bravery” necessary for every citizen. Conquest is an essential element in this fascist scheme. This may manifest itself in different forms from direct invasion to controlling elections to threat of economic sanctions. They believe that, in the long run, peace is atrophy, disabling and detrimental to society. Hence the Iraqi people continue to die. We must remember 1930s and 1940s Europe to understand what is occurring within the U.S. and British countries and their military, business, and news company coalition.

Holocaust in Iraq 3: The first thing that the Fascist Nationalist Socialist of Germany and later Italy did starting in approx. 1933 was increased police presence and police authority over, not criminals, but over the average citizen. All common citizens in Germany were to accept police authority, ‘wrong or right’ including being forced to accept police verbal abuse and constant threat of arrest as standard police policy. Note that actual criminals actually did quite well within police and military establishments moving up in rank quickly rewarded for their ability to “get things done” as a result of having no regard for human life and simple bullying of colleagues, fellow soldiers as well as citizens put in their charge. Use of new laws and increased police power to make it difficult for citizens to protest in only the most government controlled and subdued environments further straight-jacketed the ordinary citizen. This included ignoring all forms of peaceful protesting included tight propaganda machine news information filtering and by government (as in today’s News Company Coalition) restrictions on reporting of the actual protests.

Holocaust in Iraq 4 “Papa, watch out, be on your guard!”: 1930s German and Italian parents, as parents in Britain and the U.S. do today, originally taught their children to respect others, to be polite, helpful, care about their community, work together, obey the law because it is the right thing to do (right in terms of’ right and wrong’), to look up to the German and Italian government administrators, police and firefighters and others as heroes. At the same time, their children, with increasing frequency, saw their mothers, fathers, family, and friends constantly and repeatedly verbally abused, victims of combative police behavior and disrespect from every German and Italian police they saw, met, or encountered and over extremely trivial unavoidable matters or violations. Courtesy given to those in authority by themselves and their parents was not being returned. Their children began to think that their parents were bad, or that they themselves were bad, and always that the police are bad to be feared. Every time their sons or daughters saw a policeman they said "watch out there is a policeman," "hurry up mum get away from the police," "there is a mounted police, we better take a different way." Before that time, police were their friends, and they could ask police for help, and police existed to help the community.

Holocaust in Iraq 5 “more worried about police than criminals”: During the 1930s, police then slowly turned into the schoolyard bullies, juvenile delinquents, and borderline criminals that German parents and children avoided in the streets. This strategy was repeated by the U.S. and Great Britain in the last thirty years. Recent example: Thirty years ago, first time offenders were given ‘suggestions and advice’ by police, but during the last 30 years this gradually changed to ‘warnings’ (threats but no money needed to be paid), which then finally changed to only full ‘fines’ (money must be paid to the government for every offence big or small, first time or not) and constant verbal abuse. Entrapment and ‘sting operations’ against ordinary good citizens to instill fear and military type discipline in the masses as was done during the rise of fascism during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Even violating extremely trivial offences, German citizens began to fear police more than criminals and would rather not call police for help. They were afraid the police would harass them over a large variety of trivial matters, verbally abuse them, or arrest them or threaten to arrest them for defending themselves. Even the Pope could not avoid breaking the “law.”

Holocaust in Iraq 6 “Daddy, are we bad people?”: German police of the 1930s and 40s instilled hate in people by their bad behavior, disrespectful tone of voice, provoking a defensive response from everyone, putting violent retaliatory thoughts in the minds of ordinarily good people and otherwise decent people. People stopped respecting the law and began breaking the law out of simple spite, tired of being constantly treated like criminals. Incidents of petty theft, vandalism, arson, and juvenile delinquency increased, and normally non-violent criminals were pushed over the line to violent action reacting to offensive and disrespectful police behavior. Over time, it became increasingly critical to lock windows and doors and citizens were forced to buy more locks and security systems. These criminals were not poor starving people trying to survive, instead they were agitated, frustrated people, originally relatively respectful of authority, now turned into more serious criminals by an over burdensome law enforcement system that instills anxiety. They were committing acts of theft, vandalism, and various other anti-social behavior to release tension and in retaliation against police abuse all started and “triggered” by the police. Emotionally challenged, mildly psychologically disturbed, or anyone who happened to have normal worries in life were especially abused by police because police interpreted their imperfections as ‘a personal attack against the policeman’s pride.’ Simple eye movement, head movement, or facial expressions could give a German police officer or German soldier an excuse to use verbally abusive language or threaten with arrest, make an arrest so that the average citizen was constantly putting on a nice but nervous act worried about every facial expression they made in a constant state of tension and anger, even rage, in the presence of police, all sparked by police behavior.

Holocaust in Iraq 7 “government workers in charge of helping strangers began to judge and criticize them”: Government administrators and workers caused many to evade duties such as paying taxes, because every time citizens went to them for help they were belittled or insulted. People who normally supported important programs such as taxation started to rebel. German men and woman in government positions of authority of any kind very often talked down to people in a condescending and disrespectful tone of voice as if they were talking to their 5 year old children at home, causing anger and defensive responses. Encouraged by government desire to instill servitude within its populace, it allowed proud government employees to replace real management with disrespectful ‘mother/child or ‘father/child’ relationships.’ The German government let this continue as another way to get people used to being told what to do without question. At the same time, good people tried desperately to teach their children to respect others, be courteous respect authority, sharing, helpfulness, team work, and living together with different people. At the same time they were forced to accept and tolerate a government which did the opposite.

Holocaust in Iraq 8 “Mommy, I wish the constable in my story book was a real person “: German citizens, calling for emergency help, were often ignored simply because they did not use the correct wording or language ability, or ethic accent. As a result, people who were simply unhappy, had emotional problems or speech impediments were often ignored. Much unnecessary anger and rage, many hostile confrontations, injuries, unnecessary arrests, crime, and deaths were directly caused by 1930s and 40s German state and later Italy sanctioned abusive and disrespectful police and government administration behavior designed to “cow the masses” by frightening them into servitude with threats and through frequent displays of disrespect and force? This prepared the masses, especially the soldiers, for later major acts of aggression against neighboring countries by the government itself, violating international laws because the civilian population learned “to do what they are told” right or wrong.

Holocaust in Iraq 9 “My God in heaven against your God in heaven”: The primary goal of early fascist Nationalist Socialist doctrine was that people were only to look up to the government for leadership and not fathers, not mothers, and not God. Recent example: The woman’s rights amendments in the U.S. during the 1970s were not passed because women needed respect and equality, which they desperately needed. Instead, the woman’s rights movement was created by white businessmen, who wanted to replace minority men (who had families to support) with white woman and black woman to satisfy multiple government minority hiring laws. Businesses were ‘allowed to’ and ‘encouraged to’ legally break the law. By classifying woman as a minority, the government fulfilled several major objectives and legal requirements at one time. First, business leaders could reduce the amount of minorities they had to hire. Secondly, they could “legally” keep their racist and protectionist policies because white women, now classified as minorities, were of the same political and racial background as themselves. Thirdly, by the lure of making more money for their family, they brought women out of the home, away from their children, which destabilized and weakened the family unit. This was compounded by the fact that it was difficult for minority fathers to get work, hence taking the man’s authority away from the family. Minority men soon realized that their wives, who were at home taking care of the home and children, had a better chance of getting jobs then they did. Children looked to schools and local government leadership for guidance to replace what was now lacking in their families. Fathers were replaced by government leaders. In 1935, the German fascist ‘Fountain of Life’ created with SS supervision, made children property of the state, taught to fight for the ‘fatherland’ without questioning, and most never saw their parents. School was and is the primary environment for initiating children to government sanctioned political correctness and political ideology.

Holocaust in Iraq 10: In Germany of the 1930s and 40s, a gradual change and a separation from anything or anybody with a connection to the past was an important sub-strategy. Past leadership, past religion, past political parties and philosophies were to be forcibly forgotten by the new fascist Nationalist Socialist. Anything old was considered bad. All things new were considered good. Again in the build-up of fascist control in the U.S. in the last 30 years, students and the general public were taught, and continue to be taught, that any and all change is good, even bad change is good. Old is bad, and new is good. Carefully reinforced by U.S. publishing companies and news companies, this way of thinking was programmed into students and the general public. Political/Business leadership was and is complicit in this ‘brain-washing’ crime because it also was and is a key factor in controlling the consumer dollar. If old is bad and change is good then people were psychologically pushed into continually and repeatedly buying again and again to keep up with the latest technology, the ‘latest craze,’ and the latest fashions. Corporate leadership desires and political leadership desires merged and supported each other. Old ideas about mother and father, men and woman, religion and country, leadership, right and wrong, the value of human life, etc. all encouraged and reinforced by artificially elevated changes in clothing, fashions, art, music, school textbooks, architecture, and technology just exactly as done by the German fascist National Socialist regime during the 1930s and 40s. The power of the American/British and Pre-WWII German ‘Propaganda Machines’ is frighteningly real as it is capable of making the illogical appear logical and is able to coerce people into religiously believing even self-destructive ideology. If the public can be made to believes that ‘the public supports it’, and the public can be made to falsely perceives it as ‘something popular’ then they will ‘buy it.’ And that applies to ideology as well as products. For these crimes of deception, coercion, and mind-control against its own people, the British/American Coalition must be condemned and charged with crimes against humanity and betraying the faith of the American and British people.

Holocaust in Iraq 11: Under a fascist dictatorship government, no cause is necessary to force soldiers and citizens to, against their will, fight pre-determined “enemies of the state” even if there is no real threat, no real cause, and no real justification. If Bush/Blair Coalition Leadership publicly acknowledged that their aggression was motivated by a desire for personal financial gain for themselves and their coalition business partners, then they would be immediately condemned and prosecuted for war crimes. Hence, a fascist doctrine of ‘life, duty, struggle, country, and conquest’ as a divinely given ‘manifest destiny’, supplemented by certain “tangible” excuses such as WMD or Iraqis arbitrary labeled as ‘Saddam Hussein supporters’, must be manufactured and said to the public to “justify” invasion and mass murder. Iraq, as is Nigeria, Indonesia, Aceh, East-timor, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc., is an OPEC nation, or rich in oil, gas and mineral deposits.

Holocaust in Iraq 12 “Our leaders think we are ignorant, docile, and backward peasants”: 1930s and 40s fascist German government leadership gained vitality, confidence and great momentum from the belief that the German people were stupid and easily manipulated. It is the same today. Blair/Bush Coalition Leadership believes its citizens are stupid. Example: American/British Coalition leadership says that only ‘if over 50% of the population disagrees or protests, then the government, against its will, listen and if it does not cut into their economic plans, they may or may not act.’ Otherwise they can simply state that “they (protesters) don’t understand what we understand, so, for the protesters own good, we will ignore them.” Any voices of protest by less than 51% of the population can “legally” be completely ignored according to the “law.” This is not only a dictatorship, but it is also insanity. It is not democracy, not representation as our forefathers guaranteed, not based on the foundation model of democracy and republic which guarantees representation in government for all citizens and minorities. If the Bush/Blair Coalition “feels like it” and they are “in a good mood” and it “does not cost them anything” they may or may not allow proper democratic process and respond to protester demands. Bush and Blair Coalition leadership believe that you and I as American and British citizens are paralyzed and they are correct. They also believe we are deficient in awareness, knowledge, and intelligence. We are paralyzed by laws, police threats, lengthy and lethargic judicial system, kept very busy through a massive bureaucratic system, meaningless paper work, difficult and lengthy education and exam systems, complex permit system, etc.

Holocaust in Iraq 13 “What protests?”: Protests unanswered in a silent rage continue as Blair and Bush Coalition leadership and their powerful news service Coalition remove civil rights, violate human rights, create war, directly create terrorism and terrorist, commit crimes against humanity, create and welcome unrest, ethnic, and religious instability in other countries at will. They even indirectly created dictatorships like Fidel Castro, because of the U.S. government’s interest in domination instead of diplomacy (sharing), Fidel Castro was forced to set up an anti-American dictatorship because it was the only way to protect Cuba from constant clandestine and overt attacks from the U.S. government that continue to this day. Not because Castro wanted a dictatorship, but because he was forced to protect himself and his country. Long before his Russian alliance, he went to New York in peace but Nixon and U.S. government officials disrespected and rejected him because he was a non-subjugative and non-beguileable ‘peasant with different clothes.’ It was exactly the same fate for Iraqi Cleric Moqtada al-Sader, a good man defending his nation and culture, on his soil, peaceable and honorable, who condemned the kidnappings, who offered to talk peace. However, the U.S. Led Coalition rejected him sighting his insistence on equality, respect and his lack of response to threats of arrest by coalition forces. The U.S. and British governments believing that ultimatums, economic threats, or “take it or leave it deals” are viable diplomatic protocols. The British and U.S. governments then created derogatory words, special insulting labels to slander Cleric Moqtada al-Sader allowing public school students, comedians, bumper stickers and the media to openly ridicule him freely. This is “honorable,” “dignified,” and acceptable tactic according to U.S. and British Coalition Leadership. Even good men and women can be pushed beyond their limits, beyond what is humanly possible and Britain and the U.S. are continuously testing those limitations by “legally” breaking the law.

Holocaust in Iraq 14: The British and U.S. Governments claim that problems in society including crime, possible attacks from abroad, and economic instability, are caused by weak state militia or not enough policeman, guns and bullets, therefore justifying increase military and police size, strength, authority, spending, R & D etc. Ironically, these are what caused the problems of civil unrest, war, and terrorism in the first place. Also a very real cause for the problems today in Iraq, is U.S. and British failure to utilize the recourse of the world’s vast diplomatic resources. Any one of these resources would have made the need for a ‘military and police build-up unnecessary and avoided the resulting violence and crime, and terrorism that the build-up has triggered.’Many years in the making, the Bush/Blair Coalition Fascist Government Coalition could not resist using ill-gotten power.

Holocaust in Iraq 15 “more sticks, rocks, spears and clubs”: Great Britain and the U.S.A. never committed intelligence failures in Iraq. Instead, they committed diplomatic failures. Intelligence (force) should never have been their first and only self-imposed option. This created a defensive reactions, violent reactions, retaliation, and terrorism. Real diplomacy should have been used first, and many years before 9/11 bombings and the Iraq Crude War. In point of fact, and technically speaking, diplomacy should not have been necessary either. The mass murderer Saddam Hussein and his regime were destroyed and fell in April 2003. After that, in adherence to international law, ethics, common sense, and our duty to the Iraqi people we should simply have given Iraq back to the Iraqis. But like the British who abandoned their comrades in trenches on the Western Front during WWI in 1915 and 1917 to try to take control of Baghdad and Iraq, the U.S./British Coalition abandoned their mission to capture the 9/11 terrorists, and abandoned their mission to free the Iraq people from repression and tyranny, instead they decided to betray the American and Iraqi people by invading Iraq taking full control of its strategically located market, economy and OPEC oil. The official U.S. and British excuse: the Iraqi people are too stupid to organize their country and establish their own government. Result of U.S. and British excuse: 6,000, 16,000,30,000,1000,000 (?) Iraqi civilian men, women, and children have died. Why? Because Britain and the U.S. they know that their super power (economic power) status will prevent them from being prosecuted.

Holocaust in Iraq 16 “Taking reservation land was the final insult.”: Great Britain and the U.S.A. decided that neither diplomacy nor peace negotiations are profitable enough. After April 2003, Britain and the U.S. decided against diplomacy in Iraq because diplomacy would result in sharing and fair business practice, whereas military police force would result in full control of the Iraq economy and full oil industry profits as well as partnership with coalition (British/U.S.) business alliances only. The U.S./British Coalition made absolutely sure that every avenue towards peace was blocked, enforced by “the law.” They decided they would simply take what they want.

Holocaust in Iraq 17 “The worst parts of history always repeat themselves.”: In a democracy there is a system of checks and balances set-up designed to prevent abuse of power, corruption, and fraud in government in the U.S. Like other civil rights protections that have been covertly rescinded, this system was not effective in preventing the centralization of power, unity of political ideology and the rise of a dictatorial fascist government system now within existing governments of Great Britain and the U.S.A.

Holocaust in Iraq 18 “Goebbels would be proud of his students”: Domestic and International protesting has been completely ignored and made useless by policing systems and the News Company Coalition made up of major British and American news services (CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, Fox News, and many more) and their reporters which are fully protected from prosecution, criticism or principles regarding honesty in journalism or responsibility for fair and unbiased reporting. News reporters and correspondents, coddled and cradled rich kids reporting on real life, they ‘sheepdog’ good Americans and British people into whatever direction Coalition Leadership dictates.

Holocaust in Iraq 19: ” Yes means no, left means right, true means lie, up means down, precise means reckless, green is red, negotiations mean threats, bad means good, go means stop, and diplomacy means ultimatum”: The British and U.S. government coalition through reckless engagement, reckless military planning, reckless military strategy, and reckless use of weapons play Russian roulette with innocent Iraqi families. Very carefully planned propaganda in schools, on the web, television, newspapers, radio and magazines, causes the holocaust against the Iraqi people to continue. As in fascist Germany of the 1930sand 40s, citizens believed ideology that was contrary to common sense and logic.

Holocaust in Iraq 20 “Blair and Bush Coalition Leadership win friends and influence people”: Iraqi people are killing each other in ‘brother against brother’, ‘divide and conquer’ fashion exactly as planned by coalition leadership, who also pit ethnic groups against each other.

Holocaust in Iraq 21 “The Coalition’s greatest enemies are those who remember the Jewish holocaust.”: We American and British People, who understand patriotism and love of country, and we American and British people who were supposed to understand the ugliness and evil that mankind is capable of in our remembrance of the holocaust. We Americans and British are now the bad guys, courtesy of the U.S. and British Governments and their News Company Coalition Propaganda Machine (CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, Fox News, etc.) which deliberately seduced us, their own citizens, into doing things that good British and good American people would never dream of doing normally.

Holocaust in Iraq 22: The White House is just a short distance from the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. and still no compassion for those oppressed, still no reverence for the holocaust victims of WWII, and still no attempt to curtail the crimes against humanity occurring in Iraq by U.S. and British government leaders.

Holocaust in Iraq 23 “If I was an Iraqi father or mother with a dead child I’d hate me too.”: We have become instruments of the facist National Socialist of the 1930s and 40s advocating their policies and ideology of reckless mass murder for personal economic gain, power, expansionist goals, and state control of foreign countries and their economies. A universe of peaceful and diplomatic schools of thought, yet, amazingly, Bush/Blair Coalition leadership studied fascist Germany and Italy instead. Children of fascist German and Italian war criminals grew up during the 1950s and 1960s carrying with them the great burden of guilt and shame for what their parents did. Not having experienced the ugliness and evil and hell that WWII German criminal leaders inflicted on so many, and pampered in the lap of luxury, Blair/Bush Coalition leadership enjoy the heat of battle in the middle-east and Iraq from the comfort of a tea room or their living room sofas on the other side of the world.

Holocaust in Iraq 24 ” Wolves in sheep’s clothing”: Of course, it is not the first time the fascist government system has been used by the U.S. and British governments. For example, the U.S. is currently trying to help tsunami victims only to cover-up persecution, human rights violations, and crimes against humanity committed by U.S./ Indonesian Military in the East Timor and Aceh regions on behalf of gas and oil company executives. Oil executives (and U.S. government, U.S. Military leadership) have actually become jealous of their “enemies” (Aceh people north of Indonesia) who are now helping the victims of the earthquake/tsunami disaster. U.S. government military leadership and their News company coalition, while they are experts at publicly saying one thing and privately doing another, of ‘making exceptions the rule’, are like ‘fish out of water’ trying hard to look like good Samaritans for public relations purposes and using their might for good instead of evil, being forced to help Muslims, not massacre them as in Iraq and the middle-east. Indonesia is an oil rich OPEC country. The U.S. help some while at the same time ‘stabbing them in the back.” All this while ignoring 16,000, 30,000, 100,000 (?) dead Iraqi civilians by reckless American soldiers and U.S. weapons use in Iraq. How do drowning men help other drowning men?

Holocaust in Iraq 25 “Andrew Carnegie would be sickened.”: Although an aggressive industrialist, Andrew Carnegie worked hard for his money. Today’s Bush and Blair Coalition planners are made up of a myriad of political, military, business, and news company people who never worked a day in their lives, while coalition forces soldiers do their bloody and dirty work ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ Back home, on their comfortable sofas, drinking a soda and eating popcorn, the Blair and Bush Coalition planners see only a rosy financial forecast. Over a spot of tea, they laugh at civilian deaths, coup d’etats, assassination attempts, and mass killings, etc. because they know that the News Company Coalition propaganda machine will “solve” these “problems” through wording written deliberately to change the facts current events and change the written record of history.

Holocaust in Iraq 26 “Armchair warriers”: If British and U.S. coalition political, military, business, and news company people had experienced the toil of real work or experienced the horrors of real war they would have stopped cold the heinous crimes against humanity occurring daily against Iraqi people a long time ago (10,000,30,000,100,000? dead in Iraq). Pampered business executives are not likely to voluntarily think about the death and destruction they are directly responsible for causing. The most serious dilemma affecting business executives is deciding what color tie to wear, where to go on holiday, or what color luxury car reflects their true personality. From the comfort of an easy chair, beer in hand while reading the sports pages and watching football, U.S. and British coalition government and military leaders are long distance warriors proudly commanding nameless faceless soldiers, Iraqi interim government leaders, and innocent children and civilians to die, be mutilated, severely injured, or massacred. As long as they achieve their financial goals, the methods do not matter.

Holocaust in Iraq 27 “peace pipes are for savages”: We forgot or ignored all those great leaders of peace who went before us. We ignored Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of non-violence, we forgot John F. Kennedy, who avoided war and probably died because of it, we ignored Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for civil rights, equality, and peace. We ignored all those great peace organizations set up in the last century to make war a thing of the past. Instead we chose to model ourselves and our government after fascist National Socialist leadership of 1930s and 1940s Germany who were gangs of bullies, criminals, assassins, mass murderers, and war hungry generals.

Holocaust in Iraq 28 “British and American cowards”: We all had a chance to show the world that what happened to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto would never ever happen again. But it did, and we just stood and watched while our coalition government mass murdered Iraqi civilians, one by one, group by group, covered up, hidden, and buried by their coalition news services.

Holocaust in Iraq 29 “The new boss is the same as the old boss.”: The only ounce of democracy remaining is the extremely limited U.S. local and presidential elections where every candidate is pre-selected by non-elected people from non-elected and invisible entities all believing in and supporting exactly the same domestic and international policies.

Holocaust in Iraq 30 “government obsession with church and state:”: Exactly as used in fascist Germany and Italy during the 1930s and 40s and which was defined by the Italian Fascist dictatorship as early as 1919, ‘separation of church and state’ has been expanded to mean separation of morals and state or separation of God and state, for example, in the case of abortion, and, now, in the case of mass murder of Iraqi civilians including children. This, combined with freedom to manipulate, change or make new laws ‘at will,’ free the Bush/Blair Coalition to commit the holocaust against the Iraqi people with impunity and zero opposition.

Holocaust in Iraq 31 “Make all peaceful protests useless, make their next step violent protest, then they will be arrested, checkmate!:” The dictatorial aspects of fascism, being firmly established after all forms of peaceful and non-violent forms of protests and negotiations, which are able to be ignored, made ineffective, and discouraged through police harassment and new laws governing protestor boundaries. Thus making it very difficult to organize and carry out a protest and impossible to effect a change in domestic or foreign policies to prevent civil rights abuse, human rights violations, and crimes against humanity. This fascist ‘social control’ frees existing government leaders to circumvent, interpret, bend, or transform the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, domestic and international laws and their meaning, without restraint and without ‘checks and balances’ and without being answerable to any judicial entity. Result: There is no possible method for ordinary citizens to save the Iraqi people or any other people from murder, mass murder and oppression by the British and U.S. government leaders.

Holocaust in Iraq 32 “the nature of fascism and National Socialism”: Journalists, commentators, movie actors, musicians, newspaper writers, local political leaders, many of whom are promoters of peace, all are continually being threatened with character assassination, public ridicule, ruined reputations, manufactured negative criticism in media sources, even the threat of arrest if they simply disagree with any U.S. or British government policy in the middle-east including Iraq. Part of the massive News Company Coalition propaganda machine modeled directly from the Reich Propaganda Ministry of the 1930sand 40s, the Hollywood business world complies and supports Bush/Blair Coalition ‘Iraq Crude War’ and middle-east oil industry policies. Hollywood betrayed its generally high moral standards by supporting the Iraq Crude War. Hollywood betrayed those who simply disagreed, under instructions from the U.S./British Coalition. Even the voices of religious leaders are silent being afraid of being labeled anti-American, unpatriotic, or a terrorist supporter.

Holocaust in Iraq 33 “A most important step: Distraction from violence”: We are distracted from violence and seduced into submission through American movies, especially through subsidizing of cable TV showing many more ‘A’ movies than normal to keep people happy and comfortably numb. Combined with distractions and distortions in the news, that we have become like the German people of 1930s Germany who watched without preventive action.

Holocaust in Iraq 34 “the making of a desert”: We are not helping anyone in Iraq, we are not saving anyone, we are not freeing anyone, we are not protecting anyone, we are not freeing those oppressed, we are not defending anybody, nor are we helping those less fortunate. Instead, we turn our guns on weaker people to take their country and their economy, that is, to plunder and dominate. 

Holocaust in Iraq 35 “good guys, being bad guys, fighting the good guys: We were supposed to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves and we were supposed to defend the good Iraqi people who were oppressed under Saddam Hussein’s murderous regime. We got greedy and we forgot our mission and the fact that we were given charge over the guardianship of the good people of Iraq who we freed in April 2003. The Blair Bush coalition is, not only guilty of the current holocaust in Iraq, but also the worst kind of betrayal of trust. In April 2003 we turned our guns around and began shooting the good Iraq people, the ‘freed Iraq people,’ because we wanted to obtain full control over their country and their Iraqi oil industry. Because they shocked us by defending themselves and their country, we called them the enemy and created terrorists where there were none before. Our good soldiers, the good guys are put in the position of ‘bad guys,’ forced to murder the good Iraqi people.

Holocaust in Iraq 36 “America the beautiful?”: Our America is not so beautiful. Murder for profit is not.

Holocaust in Iraq 37: The British and American Coalition Leadership (utilizing their News Company Coalition) make it appear that only terrorist hate them and disagree with them. In this tactic, the only disagreement with the British/American Coalition we actually see in newspapers and television comes from terrorist. Therefore, because “only terrorist hate them and are critical of their democratization efforts,” anybody else who disagrees with American and British Coalition Leadership “must also be a terrorist or a terrorist supporter.” In other words, the only voices of opposition allowed or permitted by the British/American News Company Coalition is of terrorists. Result: Nobody can disagree with American/British Coalition Leadership, even to a small degree, without being publicly ridiculed and condemned and labeled as haters of America, haters of democracy, anti-American, unpatriotic, and “associated with terrorist.” And since any coercive action taken by the British or American governments are difficult to prosecute or unprosecutable under American/British Coalition imposed laws, combined with their economic leverage, it is doubtful whether America/British Coalition Leadership will be brought before the International Criminal Court for these crimes against their own people.

Holocaust in Iraq 38 “The most important lesson in history ignored”: During the Jewish holocaust one race and one religion was the primary target. During the current U.S. British holocaust against Iraqi people only one race and one religion is targeted.

Holocaust in Iraq 39 “Deliberate lies that helped cause 16,000,30,000,100,000 (?) Iraq people, innocent men,women,and children, to die”: The lies: “bin Laden 9/11 terrorist are in Iraq, all the Iraqis fighting against the Coalition forces are Saddam Hussein, and WMD.” Coalition leadership lies to its own people

Holocaust in Iraq 40 “Like most humans”: Like most humans who are wealthy, comfortable, and well entertained, U.S. and British military leaders cling to the hope that they are exempt from the same laws of God and man regarding the value of human life that others live by and are judged by. They that has long as that are out of sight and out of mind, they are exempt from guilt and responsibility.


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