The following information is from a questionnaire as an Employment Survey from U.S. Department of Labor/Veterans to determine total or any new war veterans.
The information on this form shows the U.S. Military Armed Forces personnel involved in these Campaigns and Expeditions Abroad with dates of such events:
Legend: According to American way of writing dates: Month/Day/Year
1. Berlin: 8/14/61 to 6/1/63.
2. Bosnia (operation Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard, and Joint Forge): 11/20/95 to 12/20/96; 12/20/96 to present; 6/21/98 to present.
3. Cambodia: 3/29/73 to 8/15/73
4. Cambodia Evacuation (Operation Eagle Pull): 4/11-13/75.
5. Congo: 7/14/60 to 9/1/62 and 11/23 to 27//64
6. Cuba: 10/24/62 to 6/1/63.
7. Dominican Republic: 4/2865 to 9/21/66
8. El Salvador: 1/1/81 to 2/1/92
9. Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury): 10/23/83 to 11/21/83
10. Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy): 9/16/94 to 3/31/95
11. Iraq (Operation Northern Watch): 1/1/97 to present.
12. Korea: 10/1/66 to 6/30/74.
13. Laos: 4/19/61 to 10/7/62.
14. Lebanon: 7/1/58 to 11/158; and 6/1/83 to 12/1/87.
15. Mayaguez Operation: 5/15/75
16. Operations in the Libyan Area (Operation Eldorado Canyon): 4/12 to 17/86.
17. Panama (Operation Just Cause): 12/20/89 to 1/31/90 (Noriega captured and Jailed in Miami)
18. Persian Gulf (Operation Earnest Will): 7/24/87 to 8/1/90
19. Persian Gulf (Operation Southern Watch): 12/1/95 to present
20. Persian Gulf (Operation Vigilant Sentinel): 12/1/95 to 2/1/97.
21. Persian Gulf (Operation Desert Thunder): 11/11/98 to 12/22/98
22. Persian Gulf (Operation Desert Fox): 12/16/ 98 to 12/22/98
23. Persian Gulf Intercept Operation: 12/1/95 to present.
24. Quemoy and Matsu Islands: 8/23/58 to 6/1/63.
25. Somalia (Operation Restore Hope): 12/5/92 to 3/31/95.
26. Taiwan Straits: 8/23/58 to 1/1/59.
27. Thailand: 5/16/62 to 8/10/62.
28. Vietnam Evacuation (Operation Frequent Wind): 4/29/75 to 4/30/75.
29. Vietnam (including Thailand): 7/1/58 to 7/3/65.
Naval Expeditions and Marine Corps Operations:
1. Cuba: 1/3/61 to 10/23/62
2. Indian Ocean/Iran: 11/21/79 to 10/20/81.
3. Iranian/Yemen/Indian Ocean: 12/8/78 to 6/6/79.
4. Lebanon: 8/20/82 to 5/31/83
5. Liberia (Operation Sharp Edge): 8/5/90 to 2/21/91.
6. Libyan Area: 1/20/86 to 6/27/86
7. Panama: 4/1/80 to 12/19/86 and 2/1/90 to 6/13/90.
8. Persian Gulf: 2/187 to 7/23/87.
9. Rwanda (Operation Distant Runner) 4/17 to 18/94
10. Thailand: 5/16/62 to 8/10/62.
Other Campaigns:
1. Army Occupation of Austria: 5/9/45 to 7/27/55.
2. Army Occupation of Berlin: 5/9/45 to 10/2/90.
3. Army Occupation of Germany (exclusive of Berlin): 5/9/45 to 5/5/55.
4. Army Occupation of Japan: 9/3/45 to 4/27/52.
5. China: 9/2/45 to 4/1/57.
6. Korea: 6/27/50 to 6/27/54.
7. Navy Occupation of Austria: 5/8/45 to 10/25/55.
8. Navy Occupation of Trieste, Italy: 5/8/45 to 10/25/54.
9. Southwest Asia Service (Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm): 8/2/90 to 11/30/95.
10. Units of Sixth Fleet (Navy): 5/9/45 to 10/25/55.
11. Vietnam Service: 7/4/65 to 3/28/73
With above historical record, does one expect that U.S. Forces will leave early from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. The pattern of adventurism suggests that after invading Iraq, the U.S. will go after Iran and Pakistan in that order to have total control over Middle East and OIL in that region (including Central Asian Republics).
Bashir A. Syed is member of Union of Concerned Scientists and other research organizations.