Mr. John-Paul Leonard is a free-lance writer and a regular contributor to Media Monitors Network (MMN)
When forgiveness is unforgivable…
When forgiveness is unforgivable…
Is when offenders repeat and never repent.
Is when offenders repeat and never repent.
There has been too much pardoning in Washington lately.
There has been too much pardoning in Washington lately.
But today, a really big offender is getting the red carpet.
But today, a really big offender is getting the red carpet.
He is Ariel Sharon, a war criminal with a trail of blood going back to the 1950’s, with thousands of victims to his name.
He is Ariel Sharon, a war criminal with a trail of blood going back to the 1950’s, with thousands of victims to his name.
Now he has gained the levers of Israel’s daunting machine of oppression.
Now he has gained the levers of Israel’s daunting machine of oppression.
The only right move is to arrest him and start his War Crimes Tribunal here and now, before he sheds more innocent blood.
The only right move is to arrest him and start his War Crimes Tribunal here and now, before he sheds more innocent blood.
That won’t happen. Generations ago, America taught a Lesson at Nuremberg that she refuses to learn herself: the duty to humanity is higher than law, order or politics.
That won’t happen. Generations ago, America taught a Lesson at Nuremberg that she refuses to learn herself: the duty to humanity is higher than law, order or politics.
So will the American president be subpoenaed at The Hague someday, for complicity in the genocide of Palestine?
So will the American president be subpoenaed at The Hague someday, for complicity in the genocide of Palestine?
The wheel must turn. History has cut off the racist, repressive and revanchist movements that erupted in the last century : Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Japanese militarism. Except for the last little head of the hydra: Zionism.
The wheel must turn. History has cut off the racist, repressive and revanchist movements that erupted in the last century : Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Japanese militarism. Except for the last little head of the hydra: Zionism.
No one can save Israel in its present form – a racist, militaristic state, built on the deportation and murder of innocents.
No one can save Israel in its present form – a racist, militaristic state, built on the deportation and murder of innocents.
Nor should we try.
Nor should we try.
Mr. John-Paul Leonard is a free-lance writer and a regular contributor to Media Monitors Network (MMN)