Jewish American Power: Feed an Israeli–Starve an American

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in essence, is fascism –” ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling power."

— President Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Both Houses of Congress are totally subservient to the the pro-Israeli lobby… Every year Congress confirms the payment of a massive tribute to Israel."

— Uri Avnery, "The Coronation Viewed from Israel”, Counterpunch, January 24, 2005 (Mr. Avnery was a former IDF soldier and member of the Knesset)
When I became an American citizen I could’ve sworn I stood in front of an American judge and an American flag pledging my allegiance to the United States of America.

Little did I know that on the back of the American flag was Israel’s flag representing the true Shadow Government of the United States that represents the power and overwhelming presence of Israel’s lobby and Zionist Jewish Americans in every institution of America.

I soon discovered that the great majority of Americans are as uninformed, ignorant, and disconnected from this reality as I was.  Little do they know that their votes are meaningless, that their politician’s election and survival depend on Jewish money, support and media blessing, that part of their hard earned dollar goes to Israel and not their children’s health, education, and welfare, that despite our government’s astronomical deficits we still borrow money and pay interest on free grants and aid to Israel, and most tragically, that we send our sons and daughters to fight Israel’s wars while Jewish American presence in our military is negligible compared to the presence of African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities.

In effect a great deal of America’s political, economic, military, and diplomatic policies are ‘ISRAEL-CENTRIC.” 

You can take Jews out of Israel but you can’t take Israel out of Jews.  It is in fact their real religion.

“Unbeknownst to most Americans, Israel’s westernmost settlement is not located in Palestine-Israel, but is 6000 miles away on the high ground overlooking Foggy Bottom in Washington D.C.  This Capital Hill settlement of pro-Israel lobbies and think tanks strategically controls the high ground overlooking the United States’ Middle East policy landscape by having made kibbutzniks of most members of the executive and legislative branches of the government–”including President-elect Obama, Vice President-elect Biden (a wannabe Zionist), and future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (a born Zionist).”

–” Robert Weitzel, “Israel’s Settlement on Capitol Hill”, Counterpunch, November 28, 2008:

Come with me to a sneak peak at a small but powerful part of Israel’s Shadow Government in Washington D.C.

“For wicked men are found among my people; they lurk like fowlers lying in wait. They set a trap; they catch men.”

— Jeremiah 5:26-29

The White House and Congress.   The Jewish Shadow Government.

Rahm Emmanuel, former White House Chief of Staff, has Obama’s Ear. He is the son of a former Zionist terrorist and who served in Israel’s army during the 1991 Gulf War. He never served in America’s military.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was rewarded by Senator Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader whom Schumer campaigned for, by forming a new Senate Committee for him to Head—The Senate Democrat’s Communications Committee. He’ll remain number three in the Senate as Caucus Vice Chair.  He’ll also be Chairing the Democratic Policy Committee.  He is the most visible media personality in all of government.

Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA.) is the House’s Majority Leader, the second position in the House after the Speaker.  In a private meeting with Netanyahu Cantor pledged his allegiance to Israel even against U.S. interests.

Here’s what Ron Kampeas a columnist for the Jewish Telegraph Agency wrote on November 11, 2011 on this private meeting:

“I can’t remember an opposition leader telling a foreign leader, in a personal meeting, that he would side, as a policy, with that leader against the president. …But to have-a-face to face and say, in general, we will take your side against the White House — that sounds to me extraordinary.”

Despite a Jewish population of <1.7% in the U.S. there are 13 Jewish Senators while there are ZERO African Americans and only 2 Hispanic Senators although they constitute about 50% of the population.

Three of the most powerful Senate Committees responsible for overseeing America’s National Security are Chaired by Jews.   Isn’t it rational to ask if these Pro-Israel Senators are somehow sharing important information with Israel?  After all, AIPAC admits it doesn’t need to spy on the U.S. since it can get any information from any politician at anytime.

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): Chair of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
  • Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI): Chair of Senate Armed Services Committee
  • Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT): Chair of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

How did 3 Jewish Americans out of 100 Senators get these powerful posts?

Supreme Court: 9 Justices

  • 6 Catholics (23.9% of population)
  • 3 Jews (<1.7% of population)
  • 0 Protestants (51.3% f population)

3 Jews Control the U.S. Economy with Influence on World Economy

  • Robert Zoellick (President World Bank) 
  • Ben Bernanke (Chair, Federal Reserve) 
  • Timothy Geithner (Sect. of Treasury Bank) 

President Obama just appointed Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jewish, (D-FL), as Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.  She can ensure fundraising from wealthy Jews for his reelection and she’s from an important swing state. Reelection is the Achilles Hell and Gateway to total subservience to Jewish wealth and thus to Israel.

Rep. Wasserman Schultz and Senator Arlen Specter were the driving forces behind the resolution that declared every May “Jewish American Heritage Month.”

Previously President Bill Clinton appointed Steve Grossman as Chair of the D.N.C.   Shockingly, Grossman had served as President of AIPAC from 1992 to 1997.  Obviously there is no daylight between a lobby for a foreign nation and our government.

Al Kamen, Washington Post Columnist, wrote a piece called “Now That’s Lobbying” on May15, 2009 that exposed the influence of AIPAC on Congress. 

He discovered that a “Dear Colleague” email circulated by Rep. Steny Hoyer and Eric Canton intended for President Obama was actually titled “AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf." (1) Thus, the email was written by AIPAC and the Congressmen were simply AIPAC’s messengers.  The email emphasized that Washington “must be a devoted friend to Israel”. 

Kamen writes: “Seems as though someone forgot to change the name or something.  AIPAC?  The American Israel Public Affairs Committee? Is that how this stuff works?”

Yes, Mr. Kamen, you know it is, as everyone in the entire world does except for the far majority of the American people who still believe they’re government is of, by, and for the people.

Economic Aid to Israel: Feed an Israeli–Starve an American.

Foreign Aid to Israel began in 1949 when President Truman approved Israel’s first request of $100 Million for economic and military aid. In today’s dollars that’s over $900 Million. (2) Since then American taxpayers have been paying through the nose to one of the richest nations on earth. especially during times of deficits where the U.S. borrowed money for Israel and the taxpayers footed the interest on such loans.

  • Tax dollars to Israel is sacrosanct and untouchable during times of enormous debt, high budget deficits, and enormous suffering by American families
  • In America, 13 million children live in poverty (18% of all children) (3)
  • Over 10 million American children without health insurance (4)
  • More than 59 million Americans had no health insurance for at least part of 2010.  (5)
  • More than 17 million kids in America are at risk of hunger. That’s nearly 1 in 4.   (6)
  • 19 million kids get a free or reduced-price school lunch on an average school day.   (7)

Even with such disgraceful statistics in the wealthiest nation on earth, tax dollars to Israel are sacred to our President and Congress.   They will feed Israel financially and militarily at the expense of feeding America’s children.

Our Tax dollars goes to one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations on earth.  (8, 9, 10) Respectively for Points Below. See Sources at the end

  • Israel ranks 27th in the world (out of 168 nations) in GDP/Capita:  $27,759.   That’s higher than South Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nigeria, Egypt, India, Mexico and many others.  IT’S LIKE GIVING MONEY TO BILL GATES  (World Bank Ranking)
  • Israel has the fourth most powerful military in the world with >200 Nukes
  • Israel is the 7th largest exporter of Arms, despite its constant demand for U.S. Arms to defend itself.  It often sells Arms to America’s enemies.

Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the total American foreign- aid even though Israel comprises only 001 percent (one thousandth of one percent) of the world’s population.  The entire Continents of Africa, Central and South America combined receive less money than Israel.

Israel has never paid back one single dollar of so called “loans”.  Congress is forever forgiving such loans.

In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. These figures do not include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years.

No country in the world gets such aid or preferential treatment by Congress as Israel does even when it violates U.S. laws such as using American weapons to attack and kill Palestinian or Lebanese civilians or the use of banned weapons such as White Phosphorous bombs it dropped on Gaza schools in 2008-2009.

“Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice. “

–” Moshe Dayan

A Brief Look at the precious American taxes that go to Israel for selected Years.  Obviously the total aid is much greater but the government understandably won’t release the information to the Public.


Aid in Dollars




Pres. Truman:  First Aid to Israel



Costing Each American More than:  $5,700



Approved by President Bush, Sr.



Approved by Pres. Obama over 10 Years

FY 2010


Annual Aid: Excludes Aid Included in Other Federal Departments Budgets

FY 2010-FY 2011


Additional Aid for Israel’s Missile Defense Systems

FY 2011


Annual Aid:  In Reality Israel is Estimated to Receive between $5 – $8 Billion/yr

FY 2012


Annual Aid:  but same allocation as above

FY 2012


More Aid for Joint US-Israel Joint Missile Defense System

FY 2013


Annual Aid:  Only what’s announced, total aid is $5-$8 Billion/yr

Additional Request


Israel’s new Request (DEMAND) for more Aid to “stabilize region”: Barack




Compare the selective total of $1,676 Trillions (excludes the annual billions of tax free monies by Jewish Americans and sale of Israeli bonds in the U.S. sent to Israel) to the following federal and state budgets:

1,676,284,100,000: American Tax Dollars to Israel versus using it to solve America’s budgetary problems.

  • $1.5 Trillion: Federal Deficit FY 2011
  • $38 Billion: Agreed Spending Cuts for only last 6 months of FY 2011
  • $112 Billion: Total State Budget Deficits (few states not included).  (11)
  • $25 Billion: California’s Budge Deficit
  • $2.2 Billion: Wisconsin’s two year budget deficit, Strikes, Protests in the News.

“Jews hold stunningly powerful positions and clout in the United States. The combination of the American state’s power and the Jewish power in the areas of legislation, administration, media, law, business, culture, and entertainment have made the Jews a defining factor of contemporary America. Because Israel is inseparable from the identity of American Jews, Israel is inseparable from the American experience.”

–” Avraham Burg, in his book: “The Holocaust Is Over; We Must Rise From its Ashes”, (Oct. 2008) Served as Speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, and Chair of the Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organization.

In our silence we as Americans are complicit in this theft of our government, national wealth, and military weapons to a rogue racist state that occupies, massacres, tortures, destroys homes, farms, schools, hospitals, clinics, electrical and water plants, and deprives Palestinian children of food, water, medicines, education, and a future.

With all that Israel rests away from us by hook or by crook it still has the audacity to slap, slam, and curse America and Americans.

Americans are too afraid to even debate or ask questions regarding Israel. That’s American “Exceptionalism”.

After all, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews.”

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the…….”


Signatories to Hoyer Cantor Letter to President Obama on Israel. See if your Representative is on the “List”

Conversion of 1949 dollars to Today’s dollars

13 Million American Children in Poverty

Over 10 Million American Children without Health Insurance

Over 59 Million Americans has no Health Insurance for Part of 2010

America’s Hungry Children and on Free and Reduced Lunch Program

Israel: Fourth Most Powerful Army in the World

Guardian: As of 2009, Israel has 200 Nukes

Israel Seventh Largest Arms Exporter: To U.S. Enemies like China, Competing with U.S. Arms Sales, Against U.S. Law

“State Budget Gaps”, March 15, 2011: TOTAL STATE DEFICITS: $112 Billion (See individual State Deficit Gaps)
GOOD Informative Site on Federal, State, Local Budgets

Sources for Aid to Israel:
CSM: “Economist Tallies Swelling Cost of Israel to U.S.”, Dec.9, 2002, $1.6 Trillion

Front News Views Features Real estate Israel resources Archive Market prices Events
President Bush Approves $10 Billion Aid to Israel, March 21, 2003
“Congress vows not to cut U.S. missile defense aid to Israel”, Jan. 11, 2011
U.S. allocates $205 million for Israel’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system, Dec. 9, 2010. Funds come atop another $200 million designated for joint U.S.-Israel anti-missile projects, David’s Sling and Arrow.
"This was a priority of Congress and President Obama, and it is the first funding of its kind for this important short-range rocket and artillery shell defense system…Given the scrutiny that our nation is appropriately giving to every dollar expended for all purposes –” including the defense of the United States and its allies –” it is a mark of the great importance of these projects that they were included in this funding bill,". Said Representative Steve Rothman, Jewish, a member of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.
FY 2010 Aid to Israel
FY 2011 –” FY 2013, Plus $106.1 Million in 2012 for Joint Us-Israel Missile Defense Program
FY 2010 PLUS Added $555 Million in the War Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan