In the wake of its typical odious tactics, India has once again opted for an obnoxious flee from holding talks with Pakistan to avert the swelling tension in South Asia. With the typical style of New Delhi to dupe the world, the Indian Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee has responded negatively to Pakistan’s truthful offer for withdrawal of troops to their peace-time locations for de-escalating the uptight situation. This posture of the Indian rulers is a visible symptom of their constant averse approach towards efforts to find out an amicable settlement of the disputes between the two countries, of-course with Kashmir as a core issue.
In the light of the latest stance of the Indians, it is evident that prospects for an early Indo-Pakistan dialogue are departing remote. Observers expected that India will have a good sense to react positively to Pakistan’s sincere offer for alleviating the tension in the region. Everyone knows that the stand-off along the borders has led to a situation, which India is always eager to exploit. Yet it serves no other purpose except that of perpetuating a high degree of tension and animosity. With such an eyeball-to-eyeball row, India ferociously wants to make its presence felt as a regional hegemony. In fact, the egotism of India was tarnished due to the events since September 11, when Pakistan was pragmatically placed in a key position in the comity of nations that emerged as a coalition for a war against terrorism. India’s hurried offer of logistic support to the US was rebuffed and instead it was Pakistan, that became the focus of the global diplomatic activity. However the attack on the Indian parliament building came handy to New Delhi as an excuse for whipping up a completely uncalled for crisis and creating war hysteria.
The entire world realizes that the present scenario in South Asia is too perilous to be allowed to persist for an indefinite period. It runs the hazards of a fortuitous war which no realistic would like. As for Pakistan, it has on its part, time and again shown restraint and tolerance. It did not instantly rush its troops to the border. It did so only when the Indian deployment had created a serious security threat for it. Even on Tuesday last, Pakistan reaffirmed its resolve never to be the first to start war. This emphatically makes obvious Pakistan’s zeal for a long-lasting peace in this part of the world. It is, therefore time that India should acknowledge Pakistan’s offer for amity in the region.
The Indian troops must withdraw and threat of a combat is essentially required to recede. At the same time, New Delhi must confess the reality that the continuation of the Kashmir dispute will always remain a source of tension and conflict in South Asia. This longstanding issue is needed to be solved in the best interest of peace and prosperity of billion-plus populace of the South Asia region. In fact, it is the most logical time that India must understand that it is now left with no option but to hold talks with Pakistan for the resolution of all the problems, being Kashmir atop. Every peace-loving nation é around the globe é realizes that the concentration of a million troops by India along Pakistan’s border is a blatant exercise of duress and intimidation. With her ridiculous approach, New Delhi is virtually going against the worldwide trends of solving disputes through peaceful means. In fact the existing Indian tendency will eventually prove futile.
As far Pakistan, it will maintain its principled stand on the Kashmir issue, as has been categorically affirmed by the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf in his gallant and internationally eulogized address to the nation on January 12. Hence Islamabad will continue to persuade its capacious friends in the international community to play their vital role for peace and tranquility in South Asia. Every realistic nation around the globe has é already – vigorously endorsed Pakistan’s policy of restraint to seek resolution of all the issues in an genial way, that is through a dialogue.
It is a credible reality that emergence of a lasting peace in the region is inconceivable without the settlement of the Kashmir issue, reflecting the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Thus it is indeed; a highly significant question for the implementation on an agreement reached between India and Pakistan and sanctified by the UN resolutions on Kashmir, fully supported by the entire members of the world body. In case, India goes on to disregard the ground realities by defying the world opinion, the entire onus of the catastrophe shall lay on the New Delhi rulers, who will ultimately have to bow before the steadfast will of the heroic people of Jammu and Kashmir. It is, therefore the best time for India to respond in a positive way to the sincere most efforts of the President of Pakistan – for the establishment of a lasting peace in the region é by coming over to table of talks to settle the persistent problems. Else neither the historians nor the mostly famished people of ! India will ever forgive the New Delhi rulers for their illogical designs and eschewing a rational approach towards the real facts, which are always acknowledged by everyone, blessed with an intellect of sanity.
The author is a noted journalist, political analyst and ex-Director News Pakistan TV.