Cairo (UNA-OIC) – The Islamic World Organization for Education, Science, and Culture (ICESCO) took part in the 23rd International Conference of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists held on November 7-8 at the Union’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.
More than 50 researchers from the Arab world, specialized in the various fields of heritage and antiquities participated in the conference.
ICESCO heritage expert Osama Elnahas represented the Organization at the event. While delvering his speech at the opening session, he conveyed the greetings of ICESCO Director-General Dr. Salim Mohammed AlMalik, and Director of Culture and Communication Mohamed Zine El Abidine, President of the Union Dr. Mohamed Kahlaoui, as well as to all the participants in the conference.
Elnahas also welcomed the holding of this face-to-face event amid the exceptional circumstances facing the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He reviewed ICESCO’s efforts in the Islamic world heritage protection, pointing out that the Organization established the Heritage Center in the Islamic World, as a model of heritage management in the region.
The Center comprises units and departments, in particular the Artificial Intelligence Unit, which aim to maximize the use of new technologies in the field. It also put together a special unit for legal assistance to member and non-member states to restitute their plundered heritage.
The heritage expert added that ICESCO allocated $1 million to restore the items of 30 museums affected by crises and disasters in the member countries. He said ICESCO also allocated $100,000 to contribute to the restoration of heritage sites and museums in Lebanon and Sudan, following the Beirut port explosion, and flooding in Sudan.
Concluding his speech, Elnahas called on international organizations and the Union to cooperate and intensify their efforts to protect human heritage and preserve it for future generations.