Chasing the Red Dragon

"The future of India lies in education of the masses. It’s not enough that India has the world class Indian Institutes of Technology or Indian Institutes of Management. India needs to ensure that the villages of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan have high quality schools that not just give a world class education but also help root out the existing caste and religion-based divisions in Indian society."

Polls, Damn Polls and Statistics

"Polls are just polls. The results depend on the mental health of the pollster. The mass media racketeers like to leave the impression that their numbers come with a seal of approval from a certified FDA clinic."

On the Road to Civil War

"The religious-rightist rebels are powerfully motivated. Many of them believe in the Kabbala – not Madonna’s fashionable Kabbala, but the real one, which says that today’s secular Jews are really Amalekites who succeeded in infiltrating the People of Israel at the time of the exodus from Egypt. God Himself has commanded, as everyone knows, the eradication of Amalek from the face of the earth. Can there be a more perfect ideological basis for civil war?"


Let Rupert Murdoch Appoint the President

"Most analysis of election financing tends to focus on the donors and their not so secret agendas. A more interesting approach is to figure out why candidates for high office need so much money. Where exactly do they spend all these billions? Why did they need a 30% increase to cover this year’s campaign expenses?"

The Government You Deserve

"America, you elected this plodding creature, and it appears you are about to do so again."