Danger: Olive harvest, settlers on the prowl

"...it is not just direct attacks on the person. On September 29, settlers set fire to 400 dunams of land planted with olive trees south of the town. The fire, which raged for two nights in a row, damaged hundreds of trees, according to one farmer, Abu Saleh from Beit Fourik, who says he himself lost 318 trees. Last year, settlers cut down 6,000 olive trees from lands belonging to Hawara and Einabous south of Nablus."

Breaking Sharon’s ‘Iron Wall’ – Death of the Roadmap to Peace

"29 highways and bypass roads to service settlements, funded entirely by the United States, have been constructed during the Oslo Peace Process, carving the West Bank into dozens of small, disconnected and impoverished enclaves from the Palestinian perspective."

Beware of Professional Politicians with Plans

"The only firm principle I can see in Kerry is to grab for power and promise anything to achieve it. Kerry takes polling more seriously than policy analysis."

This Isn’t Your Daddy’s Gulf War

"Taking full advantage of the political environment that emerged after his Gulf adventure, the First Bush took the initiative and launched the Madrid conference that eventually led to the Oslo peace process. George the Second joined Sharon in burying Oslo and promoted a replacement “Road Map” - which has now been amended to a Gaza disengagement farce."

Ramadan: Food for the soul

"Fasting is also for those who want to improve themselves - improve their bodies, their emotions, their mentality, their morality and their spirituality. It is an extraordinary educational experience that covers social, hygienic, economic and spiritual dimensions."