Sharon’s Phony Disengagment

"Desipte the obvious reasons for not believing that Sharon actually plans to remove 8,000 Jewish settlers and the hundreds of millions in infrastructure in Gaza, the international community pretends he's serious and helps advance his crushing and ruthless agenda. A look at the facts on the ground reveals the disengagment plans to be a sham."

Gaza for the Gazans

"...if Israel wishes to pull out unilaterally, it should leave the Gaza Strip's control in the hands of its people."

A Jordanian perspective

"Perhaps it is naive to say that once Arafat met the Egyptian demands, matters would improve. A quandary would still lie with Israel, where we witness the difficulty Sharon has had in selling his reduced plan."

Trade Policy 2004-05: Critical Analysis

"In order to achieve targets of trade policy of 2004-05 we have to stream line our politics, economics, judicial traditions, and multi and bilateral relationships with other countries."

The Politics of Terrorism :: Response to the 9/11 Commission Summary...

"The 9/11 Commission missed one important recommendation that we add, and that is that the US must open up to the people of the world and listen."